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IMPORTANT: this story is based on Cassandra Clare's novels! I do not claim any copyright except to the characters names and story


Hey there! I'm so inlove with Cassandra Clare's novels ! 'The mortal instruments' as well as 'the infernal devices' (CLOCKWORK ANGEL!!!) are wonderful reads. Reading it propelled me to do a fan fiction! oh hoho ! Please don't be too critical :( it's my first fanfic that I'm posting!

Dedicated to miss elle ! since she suggested I should read city of bones XD ! And for just plain being a darn-good writter! GBYA !

Hope you enjoy it! :D




.:We are but mundane:.

The club was a buzz with Saturday night fever. I watched as people dressed in elaborate outfits, and colorful get-ups, prowled the dance floor. Yes it is true. I am only a mundane. How do I know what that is? Because that's what the demons call us. Twirling my pink hair extensions gingerly between my icy black nails, I made my way to the dance floor. Strobe lights lit the room. Sweat gleaming like a thin sheet on the dancers, as they shook vigorously to the beat of the loud trance music. I peered around the room eagerly, my contact lenses gleaming green in the light, like two bright jewels. Neon blue hair, Green clothes, Hot pink pocket chains. The floor lit up under my feet. My heart beat to the rhythm of the music. This was the one place we could ever be together.

I danced to the music, swaying my hips from side to side. Girls glared, and boys stared as I executed a perfect 360 degree jump,only to land swiftly on the ground.

"You go girl!"

"Woah! Did you see that?"

"Show off.."

"Wish I could do that.."

The music grew louder, and the dancing more feverish. I lost myself in the music, dancing energetically to its eerie comfort. It was just me and the dance floor. I closed my eyes and swayed my hips side to side. Suddenly out of the darkness, two gentle hands reached out to clasp my hips. My eyes swung open. Eyeliner a tad smudged. I recognized those hands. Strong and gentle.

He wore a swade black jacket embezzled with a blue rune-like motive. His eyes were a deep crimson, like a sea of blood. His face smooth and flawless. His hair was a dark shade of blue, with a sharp triangle fringe.

He leaned in gently to kiss the top of my head; his breath was cool and calm. I closed my eyes. He smelled like ice, cold and refreshing.

"Hello Evelyn" I heard him say... His Charming gaze set gently on my face.

"It's been a while, Axel... what brings you here to pandemonium?"

Axel hesitated, before raising his slender hand to my cheek. "To see you again.." He whispered softly. His eyes reflecting light off of it's surface. "I missed you." He said, in an energetic, and rather attractive tone.

My heart jumped within my chest, propelling me closer to him. Axel was a downworlder, we had met a year ago. He was what they called 'night children'. A vampire. I never thought it possible, that such a beautiful person would ever love someone like me. We met at this very club, our eyes met instantly; he strode up to me and asked for my name, his charming eyes blazing a bright vermilion. At the time, I had no idea whatsoever about the other world.

We began meeting regularly at the pandemonium after that. He asked me to follow him into the storeroom one day. After which he confided to me that he was a 'night child'. He looked to me with those alarmingly crimson eyes, scanning for any traces of disapproval. I had none. I was totally awe-struck! A real Vampire! He told me about downworlders, about Shadow hunters and how he despised them. How they had killed his kind in a blood slaughter all those years ago. De Quincy's - a well respected 'child of the night' - clan was wiped out in a misunderstanding. The children of the night were horribly treated. Although he did not show it, his eyes blazed a terrible vermilion color when he retold the events to me.

He told me, if the clave were to find out he had told this to a mere 'mundane', He would lose his life. Or worse, he said. "I could loose you. You must never breathe a word of this to anyone Evelyn". He claimed I could see him for what he was, and his world, because I had what he called 'the sight'. That made me special. Very few humans had this talent.

I still remember it so vividly... His dark red eyes, his poor; pained expression. Everything. As though it were just yesterday. It seemed so vulnerable ... and yet-

"Evelyn" His soothing voice beckoned, breaking my train of thought.

"Yes? What is it?"

"You seemed... troubled." He furrowed his brows. His sharp fringe covering the front of his eyebrows ever so slightly.

"N..No, I'm fine." I felt my voice shake slightly

"You humans dress in the oddest clothes." He stared across the room as he spoke. I felt a small frown break through my face. He turned back to face me, his red eyes gleaming. "Although it does suit you."

I felt my cheeks flush red, my heart fluttering within my chest. I cupped my hands over my face. He had an odd beauty about him, so reserved, so perfect, so inhuman. He looked at me affectionately, his hand brushing hair away from my face, tucking it behind my ear.

He looked away for a moment, as though he were thinking. He seemed shy all of a sudden. He even seemed to flush, ever so slightly around his cheeks.(Or maybe it was just my imagination.... Vampires don't blush!) "I.." He began. "I have something to ask of you. Shall we sit?"

Something about him seemed odd, uneasy. He wasn't his usual confident self. I couldn't help but wonder if anything had happened.

"You seem... jumpy Axel. Is something the matter?"

He stared hard into my eyes, his expression cool, with a hint of uneasiness. "Nothing's the matter Evelyn, shall we sit?" His eyes lit up eagerly. My heart skipped a beat, his confidence seemed to flow back as he spoke, hiting me like a warm tide. I felt my cheeks burn red and hot. Axel seemed to take notice and chuckled.

"Yes, Let's sit." Was all I could say before he held my hand and guided me to the table at the corner of the club.

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