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Niphilem are


Niphilem are


they keep order and peace

within the


Luke sat in one of the big chair by the fireplace, starring curiously at the flames as they crackled and engulfed the dry wood. His eyes burned a deep violet, blazing ever brightly under the flame’s light. His arms were marked with curious jet-black symbols. they stretched from his wrist, all the way under the sleeve of his black shirt.

The door swung open, all tall figure approached him. He wore the same peculiar outfit Jake wore, two leather straps caring knives behind his broad back. He wasn’t as lean as Jake was; and did not have metallic blonde hair like him either. The boy’s hair was a dark shade of red, like over ripened cherries. His skin was fair and covered with the same curious marks Luke had on his.

“Day dreaming again, are we Luke?”

“Talon, don’t you have anything better to do then come here and annoy the crap out of me?” A sarcastic smile broke through Luke’s face, his hair sweeping down to covering one of his eyes as he spoke.

Talon and Luke had grown up at the institute together, Both orphaned at the age of 10, the institute took them in. Luke had lost his parents to a fire demon, and sought refuge at the institute, while Talon had arrived one year earlier. His parents were sent abroad on  a supposed meeting with the clave, but never returned. Luke- now 17 – and Talon – turning 18 – Were full fledged Shadow hunters. Trained in the deadly arts, to kill and effectively uphold peace in their world, and the world of the mundanes.

Talon moved toward the chair opposite Luke and sat down, propping his feet on the low rise table. “Jayle’s been looking for you again..” Luke flashed him a slight glare. Jayle was a girl who lived in the institute with them, she too was a shadow hunter, one that seemed to take a liking to Luke, and made no attempt whatsoever to hide it. Luke grunted and turned to face the wall. It was covered in old wallpaper.

Talon snickered. Luke turned to meet his gaze, his expression softened. “So what’d you need Talon?”. Talon propped himself up on the chair, suddenly serious. “Cain wants to meet us. Say’s it’s important” a crooked grin snuck across his face as he spoke.

“Cain? What does he want now?” Luke appeared slightly annoyed

“Dunno, says it’s important. Best to go now.”


“If you ain’t on your feet in 3 seconds, I’ll drag you to his office” Talon’s grin widened into a mocking smile.

“Oh yeah! I’d like to s-“

Talon moved with lighting fast precision as he swung Luke in the air and onto his feet. “You forget, I’m faster then most niphilem!” Luke scoffed and headed for the door, Talon behind him.

Witch lights illuminated the hallway, identical doors lined the corridor. Luke and Talon made their way down a few flights of stairs and into the study. The room was crammed full of books, neatly aligned in rows of shelves. “Cain! You called?” Luke called in a rather impolite tone, suggesting he was not too keen. A tall man, roughly around the age of thirty strode into the room from a door behind the desk.

“Yes Luke, Talon. Sit down, I have things to discuss with you.” His voice was gentle yet held a sense of authority in it. Luke and Talon took their seats in front of the old wooden desk.

Cain was a tall man, with ice white hair and grey-blue eyes. He wore a very pleasant smile, and a flawless face. Except for a deep scar underneath his right eye. He sported a simple high-cut black coat, with sleek gold buttons. And a pair of black army boots. He was the owner assigned to the institute, and had cared for the young shadow hunters, orphaned by cruel faith.

“Boys, have you heard of the demon who calls himself the ‘black angel’ ?”

Talon leaned forward in surprise, “No, who dares to call himself that of which we were born of?” his gold eyes shining angrily with annoyance. “Settle down Talon, that’s not the worst of our problems.” Cain hesitated before continuing. “It appears this man is a downworlder, who is attempting to break the accords. The treaty between downworlders and niphilem. “

Both the boys eyes flared with anger, this time it was Luke who spoke first. “Insolent demons. We’ll set them straight”

Cain looked down, as though he felt slightly sorry for him. “I need you to” He cleared his throat. “To get to the bottom of this! The tip we received was from that of the lycantrope, I need you to make your way down there and see what you can dig up. They suggest it might be one of the night children you see, and-”

“werewolves” Luke spat. “Haven’t they always hated the Night children? How are we to know whether or not what they say can be trusted.”

Cain looked at him patiently, placing a hand over his desk. “That’s where you two come in. Go see whether there is any truth to what they say, we cannot risk not taking action should the rumors be true.”

Luke and Talon stared at Cain, and then at each other. “How soon can we leave Cain?”

“First thing tomorrow” Cain said, stern caution in his voice. “Be careful boys.”

“One more thing…” Luke began. “Will ..”

“Yes, Miss Jayle will be accompanying you.” Cain grinned. Luke grimaced, he did not have to turn around to know Talon was grinning as well.

o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~o ~ o

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2012 ⏰

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