Chapter 7

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Mystic Falls - 1864 

"I'm scared Katherine, what if Damon does not approve of this?" Rose bit her lips nervously as the girls, prepared themselves for tonight's Founder's Day ball. 

"Trust me Rose, he will be estatic. A child brings joy to the world and to everyone it surrounds." Katherine stood up and walked over to her best friend, who was having trouble with her corset. "Here, let me help you with that."

Rose smiled. "Thank you but why do you speak as if you've experienced something similar?"

Katherine sighed. She was a selfish creature and used her powers to her advantage. Katherine  was cheating with Damon but deep down inside genuinely liked Rose. She reminded Katherine alot of herself from before she had been turned. Katherine knew she could confide in her. "Rose, I-I know this because I've had a child." 

Rose's eyes widened. "Oh my god, Katherine. But where is-"

"I don't know where she is," Katherine cut in regretfully. "My father found me a disappointment and a shame to the family, so he took her away from me. I never even had a chance to hold her." Rose's eyes watered and she hugged her best friend tightly. "I-I haven't been the same girl since." 

"Katherine, what your father did to you was awful! But as your friend, I promise you that one day we will find your daughter. No matter how old you were when you had her, she is still your baby. She deserves to have a mother as great as you." Rose smiled, wiping her friend's tears away. 

Katherine stared at the kind girl in front of her and made her desicion. She would stop toying around with Damon Salvatore. After all, she didn't really love him, it had always been Stefan she loved. Rose was too sweet to manipulate and tonight, Katherine would end it with Damon. Permanantly.


Mystic Falls - Present Day

Damon returned to the Mystic Grill, his head tremendously confused. Logan Fell had just told him that he knew a way to get into the tomb and rescue Katherine, but what about Rose? Part of him felt that he was fine this way, while the other decided that he could have both. I mean he did it before, why not do it again. He was a vampire after all, he could use his complusion on Rose. But his stupid conscience kept on getting in the way.

Damon decided to ignore it as he thought about what Logan had said. Logan had even arranged for Damon to meet him in the woods but Liz, the sheriff had called, informing him of Logan's death. Someone staked him before Damon could figure out the truth. First off, who turned him? And why do they want that tomb open? Secondly, who was the one that killed him?

He contemplated the possible answers as his brother and Elena talked. Apparently, they were doing that awkward 'let's get back together' talk and he did not want to be apart of that. Nope, Stefan had ran off during Logan's confession to go and save Elena, who once again managed to get in the way. Damon just sat down on a bench and waited for them to return before a very important thought crossed his mind. If Elena had been with them the enitre time, then...where was Rose? 

 Damon jumped up and ran over to Elena. "Where's Rose?" he asked, his voice dangerously low.

"I'm so sorry Damon. I totally forgot. I had left her inside and told her to wait for me." Elena's face paled for a second as she watched Damon's eyes narrow, before running into the Mystic Grill. 

"You WHAT!!!" Damon's eyes turned red, his viens popping out. 

"Relax, Damon. Elena will find her." Stefan held back his brother. 

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