1. The Will

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The 10th of December 2015,

I was walking on the street and suddenly bumped into someone, making me fall to the floor.

This guy had brown hair, brown eyes and was wearing a suit. He looked very handsome.

Until he opened his mouth....

"Excuse me but can you move I kind of have a meeting to go too?" I got off of him and noticed my knee was bleeding.

"Shit, your knee. Ok here's my card, I'll pay for the medical stuff. Now I really got to go!" He gave me his card and ran to his white Mercedes.

He drove off at high speed until finally out of sight.

I rubbed my knees to clean the dirt off and picked up my purse. I ended up dropping my ice cream so I went back to get another one.

"That guy looked very familiar, I wonder where he was from?"

I walked into the convenience store and went to the ice cream section. Looking up at the satellite TV that was playing a live concert for a Kpop group named BTS.

I, suddenly saw the guy who made me fall.

"So, his name is Jimin. Well Jimin, I'll make sure you pay for my bleeding knee. Pfft idols." I said as I rolled my eyes and paid for my ice cream.

I made it home, in time for my daily YouTube marathon. I was watching Chonunmigooksaram as the home phone started to ring.

I rolled my eyes and grunted as I tried to reach for the phone from my bed.

I finally reached it and paused my video to answered.

"Yobuseyo? (Hello) Yes this is she..... What?! Ok, I'll be there, thank you for calling and inviting me. Alright thank you, bye."

I close the phone in utter sadness.

Ahjuma Dalia (Old lady Dalia) passed away!? What!?

"How could she have passed away so easily? I heard she was sick but I didn't think to this extent!" I said to myself, starting to sob.

Ahjuma was a best friend of my mother before her passing and even after she came to take care of me everyday, bringing her grandson Park ChimChim with her.

Now that I think about it I've never really called ChimChim by his name. What was it again? Ji something chim something?

Up until recently, I've been so busy with work. I haven't gotten around to seeing her or ChimChim. I wonder how he is doing since 3 years ago.

17th of December 2015
--Funeral Day--

I got out of bed in complete depression the more I thought about what today was.

Today's the day they put my "grandma" in the ground. Just great, what a healthy way of thinking Baerim.

I got dressed in a knee length, black dress and put on my black mini heels.

I went outside and drove to the funeral place. I kinda forgot what that place is called but at the moment I didn't exactly give a shit.

I started to kinda tear up about the thought of it. But reminded myself that i might be seeing ChimChim there made me smile under my tears.

If he does come, I can't wait, it will be so comforting to see him there.

I made it to the cemetery. That's what it's called!

And got out of my car, holding my purse filled with tissues for my tears later today.

I made it to the place where they are going to... " Say goodbye" I guess. Everyone looked so depressing and I blended in perfectly.

I, then saw someone familiar.... Jimin. He started coming towards me.

"Bae? Is that you?" He says confused.

"Um Bae? How do you know my nickname Jimin?"

There is only one person who calls me by my nickname and that's ChimChim.

"Well, I'm shocked, you don't remember me? I'm still surprised you were the girl that I bumped into that day."

"Wait, what do you mean remember?"

The funeral started and everyone got up, Jimin not able to answer my question. He made his way to the front and started speaking,

"Today, is I think the saddest day of my life so far. I never thought about this properly before, hoping that it would never have to happen. But it did, and I'm sad to say I really wasn't ready for this. My grandma was a wonderful woman........."

Wait grandma?! Wait ChimChim!!? No way! Jimin is ChimChim?!?

"Thank you and please stay seated for the will of our Ahjuma Dalia."

ChimChim sat back beside me and whispered in my ear,

"Do you remember me now? Baerim?"

I didn't answer, still in shock that Park Jimin the famous dancer/singer of BTS was my childhood friend and well first love.

"For the last wish of our dear Ahjuma Dalia is, I wish for Park Jimin, my grandson, to be married to my dear, practically my daughter that I raised, Som Baerim. If they fulfil this wish, I want to give them my entire financial heritage to support there marriage, in the future." The priest said.

My eyes widened in shock of what I just heard. I looked at Jimin noticing that, he too, didn't know about this and was just as shocked.

By the end of the funeral, I was still frozen at my seat with Jimin. We both didn't say a word and just looked at the grave of Ahjuma Dalia. Until one of Dalia's siblings, a bit younger then her, came towards us saying,

"May I have a word with the two of you?" We followed her to the nearby café and took a seat, me and Jimin facing her.

"Now listen, before you start to complain. I need to say that Ahjuma did not make any mistake, she loved you both so much and wanted you both to be together forever. Please do her this favour and get married. Think of it as a way to thank her for the love she so generously gave to you both." She told us desperately.

I looked at Jimin who seemed to be actually considering this, even tho he is an idol with a busy schedule. I looked back at the Ahjuma.

"May we please think about it?" I asked slightly bowing.

"There is nothing to think about, we'll do it, for my grandma." Jimin suddenly said, with a determined look on his face.

"Thank you, thank you so much. I'm sure Dalia is looking down on you both smiling." Later we said our goodbyes and waved as the Ahjuma went with Uncle Charlie back home.

"Well wifey, let's go buy a house. Shall we?" Jimin said

What have I gotten myself into?

Author's Note:
I hope you found this first chapter captivating! But what the hell? Ahjuma Dalia really did love these kids but I never thought she would make them get married. Will both Jimin and Baerim accept this? It seems Jimin's all for it, maybe he has something planned? Stick around for the next update!

Love you guys,

Xoxo Me

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