Well I back I back.. I'm not sure where this chapter is gonna go exactly but we'll see... Excuse any mistakes & ENJOY ♥
It was funny the way Nique called us out at breakfast, D was playing with me yes and I was h*rny as hell. He picked me up and carried me back to his room closing the door, he layed me on the bed and gave me head that was out of this world.
I came 4 times & he licked it all up when he was done he got up and rolled a condom on his d*ck, he was big I must say but he eased it in bit by bit once he was all the way in I pulled him closer. It hurt but at the same time it felt so damn good, I didn't know I was that tight but I guess when you go that long without sex it happens.
"Oh shit Darrien, go faassterrr.!" I screamed digging my nails in his back.
He obliged speeding up the only sounds that filled the room were my screams and moans Darrien whispering my name and breathing hard and the wet sound of his d*ck going in and out of me.
When he slowed down I flipped him over and started riding him, he chuckled and put his hands on my waist moving with me. I started slow grinding on him then going fast bouncing on him, I stared down at him looking at my breasts I smiled and motioned for him to sit up.
He sat up and licked my nipple before nibbling and sucking on it, I arched my back holding his head in place. He smacked my ass and I pushed him back down riding him again faster with each slap. After 4 more amazing orgasms I collapsed onto his chest, trying to catch my breath.
I peeked up at him smiling he leaned down and we shared a hot passionate kiss. I layed back on his chest tracing his tattoos
"I love you Ashley"
I stopped tracing, he'd caught me off guard but I did love him.
"I love you too Darrien"
He smiled and wrapped his arms around me, I just had to know
"Darrien where does this leave us?"
"What you mean ma ?"
"Are we together or no? I'm not about to let you play with my head" I said sitting up looking at him.
"Only you know the answer to that ma I know what I want, the question is do you?"
I smiled up at him because I did know, I've always known I just was scared. I still am but there's nothing wrong with taking chances right? I looked at him staring at me I guess waiting on my answer, I nodded my head and kissed him again.
"Yes I do know, I've always known"
We layed there for a while until I got up, or tried to shall I say. He laughed and pulled me back down
"You hurting?"
I nodded
"Come on let me run you a bath" he said carrying me to his bathroom
Once in the tub we both got in and talked about any and everything, we laughed alot. He told me everything that happened with Lezlie and now I understood why he did what he did. I personally never really liked her. I told him what I'd been doing why I left, We pretty much just played catch up
I already knew what the deal was with D & Ashley, Alex didn't think they'd do anything. She didn't know Darrien like I did, although they grew up together I know D all to well. So Ashley is gonna walk around glowing and D is gonna walk around cheesing all the damn time. Don't believe me? Just watch.

Me and My Thug ♥♥
Teen FictionIf you haven't read "A Thugs Love Song" I advise you to do that before reading this.