New Book? (Chapter 1)

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     I looked down, the cobbled streets cracked with the frequent travel, and merchant wagons constantly wearing it to rubble. If you looked hard enough, some was even wore down to the point of being gravel. I looked into a side alley, it was filled with beggars and drunks. One lumbered out, each step stumbling his shoes wet with spilled drink.

    "Hey, mind sparing me a couple of pence? A man needs to be able to feed himself, am I right?" His breathe reeked. It smelled like poorly brewed mead. Definitely a drunkard. I looked down at his hands, a glass bottle flashed. 

    "Hey, you ignoring me buddy?" He shoved me harder than he probably meant to, he stumbled in his drunken state. He recovers and walks back up, this time slinging his arm around my shoulders. "Sorry about that, didn't mean it, but seriously, I need that money." I saw his hand tighten on his bottle, I realized what he was doing. I was getting mugged. 

    I shoved him away, he stumbled and fell his hands scraping the cobbles, he cursed me by the gods and by my ancestors with as foul language I think he could thing of in his clouded mind. He broke his glass bottle on the ground rushing towards me, taking a stab at my gut. I jumped back, my twin scabbards digging in my back, begging to be used, begging to draw this man's blood and to watch his mangled body, broken on the cobbles.

    My hood fell down, revealing my pitch black hair, my eyes made him stumble. My left eye, is normal, lightning blue which while it normally is a sign of blindness, I can see perfectly fine. My right eye on the other hand, has no whites, it is pure red. My two hilts of my swords are illuminated by the lanterns hanging next to the roads. If he saw them, he didn't show it. He charged forward, bottle glistening, his eyes thirsting for blood. All I saw, was the flashing of a fist. 

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