Royal Guard

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     The fist swung down about as fast as I could draw my sword. The bottle shattered, and the drunkard stumbled back in shock. The mystery man immediately crouched swinging his foot in the air, catching the beggar in the side of the head, his head skidding against the cobbles. The man drew a large sword, easily as large as my waste. He held the tip of the sword to the beggar's neck. All he said was a couple of words, but his, wait no, her  voice chilled me to the bone.

    "If you get up, your head will be decapitated." Her voice spoke with practiced authority, I had no doubt in my mind, if that was any other man in the world, she would be saying the same thing. If it was even the king, she wouldn't hesitate to execute the words coming from her mouth. The woman was not wearing any hood, he had the strangest hair I've seen in the entire kingdom. It was a light blue, obviously dyed with the flowers outside the kingdom, most likely the ones around the creek bed. Though, that is  an extremely expensive and time consuming process. 

    The beggar's eyes flashed pure hatred, he wanted to kill the woman who stopped him from getting his coin, but he saw that sword as an obvious threat as he should. He laughed his voice rough, weather worn. "I think we've had a misunderstanding here ma'am, that man attacked me, and it just escalated into this, don't you see the scabbards on his back?" This man was playing dirty. The man turned her head, her eyes locking with mine, she showed a great deal of nonchalance, like he wasn't holding a sword to someone's head, but in a library or a school house. 

    "Is this true, sir? Did you attack this man, or did he do something to provoke you?" He didn't realize the worst quality I own, I can't speak. I stared at him, hoping for him to be able to understand what I'm thinking. The woman, slowly picked up his sword, putting it into it's scabbard. She walked towards me, anger flashing in her eyes. "I am not a woman to be ignored, now answer me, or I will not hesitate to let you rot for the rest of your life in a rodent infested dungeon, without the ability to eat or drink!" I stepped back, raising my hands in the air, I got down on my knees, a sign of subjugation hoping for her to understand. 

    I looked up, and a look of understanding seemed to dawn on her. She sighed with the most exasperated tone I've ever heard of someone with as much power as her. She was obviously a guard. "This man is a mute as a man without a tongue." She turned looking at the where the beggar was. He was gone, the man was running down the street. The guard drew his sword, and threw it, the large blade flew through the air, cutting through it with a wicked edge, a whistling sound present among the rest of the sound. He cleaved through his head, the man crumpling to the streets. 

     "Seems you got yourself mixed with the wrong group, don't get yourself killed boy." The girl walked away, her white armor gleaming in the lantern light, looking gold in it. He picked up his sword, the blood dripping off it still, and walked away, not looking back. 

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