Chapter One

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I heard my alarm go off beside me waking me from a deep sleep. I grunted at its annoying sound and punched it blindly. I turned over and just stayed in bed not having the energy to move or even open my eyes.

My name is Julianne, just Julianne, maybe Jules for short. There was nothing interesting about me. I lived in London for now just because of school, i was majoring in art. But i grew up in New York, therfore explaining my strong attitude and will to take care of myself.

I left home at 18 because of who my family was. I was part of the Blakelee family, a disgustingly rich family, and i was tired of everything being handed to me. So once i was legally an adult i packed my things and up and rooted. I mean don't get me wrong, sometimes being rich had its perks but i wasn't one to just never work for anything i wanted either.

I finally managed to open my eyes and slowly pull myself out of bed. I looked out the window and not to anyone's surprise i can imagine, it was raining. I mean what was it with this weather it was always so gloomy.

I made my way to the bathroom and quickly showered. Once i had gotten out i looked at the time and freaked. I had 10 minutes to get to work. I quickly threw on my outfit, some jeans, a sweatshirt and boots and ran out.

Once i was outside i noticed that only a moron like myself would forget to bring an umbrella when the first thing i did was look out the window. I face palmed myself but then shrugged it off and ran to work.

Four blocks later i was infront of a café soaking wet. I made my way throughand passed all the customers on the line, and much to my dismay it was also a busy day. I quickly made my way to the back and started preparing the orders. It was going to be a long couple of hours...

Well i hope you guys enjoyed my first chapter. Please let me know if u have any suggestions or tell me how u feel about it, comments or concerns. I will also place a picture of her outfit up above and the links to where you can buy these items if interested.




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