Chapter Two

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It seemed like i had been standing and taking peoples orders for years. I didn't really have the patience sometimes for their nasty attitude or unnecessary complaints. Once i had handed a customer their order i called next, waiting for the next to come forward.

"Hello love."

I looked up to see a strikingly handsome boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. He smiled at me making me smile right back. Which was weird since 3 seconds ago I was in the worst mood.

"So what would you like today?" I asked, trying not to keep gawking at him.

"12 blueberry muffins, 10 vanilla cupcakes, 10 chocolate chip cookies, and 3 slices of your red velvet cake." I stared at him and then at his order wondering if he was going to feed Africa today.

"Wow. Having a party today" I slightly chuckled and looked at his face. But he was serious and kind of looked confused.

"No why?"

"You know what never mind, I'll have your order out in a few." I shuffled to the back awkwardly handing someone the order. A few minutes later i had two big bags of goods on the counter.

The boy paid in cash and then took his things. As I saw him walking away I couldn't shake the feeling that I knew him from somewhere. But I didn't really put much thought into it and continued with my day.

I had finally finished my shift and was walking home. Much to my dismay the weather was still crappy. Probably even more crappy since I couldn't even see clearly with the rain falling on my eyes.

I grew frustrated and started walking faster, but a rain drop fell in my eye and when i tried to rub it i felt myself falling. I tried to gain my balance but it was worthless, i fell straight on my back.

As i layed on the floor I heard a voice that sounded familiar.

"Oh my god, are you ok? I am so sorry I wasn't looking where I was walking. Here let me help you up."

I felt him pick me up and I didn't object, the fall had hurt my back. Once i had gotten a clear view of the boy I realized he was the same one from the café and the big order.

I looked at his face and saw a huge amount of guilt written across it, i sort of felt bad for him just because he was taking it so hard.

"Are you ok?"

His words broke me away from my train of thought and I slowly nodded. He must've noticed what a pathetic liar i was and looked even more guilty he had ran into me.

"I am so sorry. Again. Do you need to go to a hospital or something?"

He looked genuinely worried which made me smile. I laughed at his exaggeration and rejected the offer.

"No, I'm fine I promise. I'll just go home and lay down. It's nothing serious."

"Well then at least let me walk you home."

I looked into his pleading eyes. I debated whether if I should let a total stranger know where i live, but as I kept looking at him I noticed it would be harmless. He just wanted to help.

So i nodded my head and he placed his hand by my lower back and i swung my arm around his shoulders. We walked the rest of the two blocks til we reached my apartment or "loft".

"This is it." I said awkwardly just standing in a weird position because of the pain.

"Ok, well if you need any help getting in I'll ya know, help."

He scratched the back of his neck turning a little red. I smiled at him but declined. I could manage myself from here. But he wouldn't leave until he helped me up the stairs, which I secretly didn't mind at all.

As i went to unlock my door i looked back at him.

"Hey. What's your name?"

He smiled at me and said "Niall. You?"


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