5 - girls are weird

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Vladimir’s P.O.V

The director told all the people that auditioned that they would be called in the morning if they got a part. He then told us that we could leave and do as we pleased.

Me and Seth turned to Echo and Jinx with a creepy smile. Jinx returned the creepy smile and Echo just laughed. She grabbed my arm and dragged me out the building.

As we passed Tiana I watched in amusement as her mouth opened and closed reminding me of a goldfish. I watched awestruck Echo let out a quick giggle then another until she had finally collapsed on the floor from laughing too much. Spotting Erna in the distance rushing towards us I quickly swept Echo into my arms and legged it out of the hall.

Echo quickly jumped out of my arms and unlocked her car door. We all instantly piled in, I called shotgun so I could sit next to Echo. As she began driving and the guys in the back started talking I took the time to actually take a proper look at Echo.

I had never felt this way before about anyone so I wanted to know every single thing about her.

“What are we doing when we get to yours?” I ask watching as her slim fingers turned the wheel.

“Well, my mum wants us to all go for a meal so I guess we will get ready.” She told me shrugging her shoulders casually.

I nodded and sat back in my seat watching Echo’s every move and all her little cute quirks. As I continued to stare at her she kept glancing at me every so often before she finally just laughed.

“Why are you staring at me like that?” She asks through her giggles her blush prominent.

“Just your beautiful face.” I tell her with a devilish smirk on my face.

She simply blushes and turns to the road with a small smile on her face but she didn’t talk to me until we got to her house. I just continued to watch her every move like the hungry predator I am.

I watched her little ways and found them unbearably adorable, like how she would silently mouth the words to a song on the radio, or how she would tap her fingers to the rhythm on the steering wheel, or how she would crinkle her nose slightly when thinking deeply about something. She was just so cute that it was unbelievable.

When we finally arrived at her house I was taken aback by the sheer size of it. She lived in a huge old English manor that even my mother would love.

Echo stopped the car and Jinx and Seth ran out and rushed through the front door. But we just sat in the car for awhile soaking up each presence before I slowly snaked my hand over and grasped hers.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see her cute little smile and it made me smile and fill with pride that I could make her smile.

“So then micul meu lamaie, will you be my date for today’s meal?” I asked her gently tracing patterns across her hand with my thumb revelling in her shivers.

She turned to face me and smiled widely before squeezing my hand gently. “I would love to.” She murmured shyly, a pretty blush staining her cheeks before she reached over to me, kissed my cheek and quick as a flash ran inside her house all embarrassed and cute like. Shaking my head slowly in silent laughter I grabbed her keys, stepped out the tiny clown car and slammed the door shut before securely locking it.

I walked in the house with a smile on my face and a very small beat in my long dead cold heart, she made my existence worth living and I planned on letting her know it. I just have to tell her I’m a vampire first, that should be easy. Not!

I followed my nose to find her mother in the dining room. Raven Lila Dawn Marteens was sat at the table waiting for me; I walked over to a chair opposite her and gracefully sat down before looking up at her and smiling nervously before looking down again. Meeting the parents was really as scary as everyone made it out to be, I wanted her to think I was perfect for her daughter and perfectly capable of looking after her and caring her. I don’t know what I would do if Raven hated me, I would feel as though I had failed as a suitor for Echo and disgraced myself. I would not feel worthy to stand by her beautiful self and would probably just beg her mother to at least tolerate me.

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