The Darkness

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     As Kate's eyes open she is met with a dark grey sky overhead. There is a stillness in the air and a chill overtakes her. The smell of blood and flesh envelops her nostrils as she makes her way to her feet. She looks around only to find the pungent smell of death in the air and not a soul in site. After she gets her bearings, she remembers, how she foolishly started to run and was halted by the power of bullets ripping through her cartilage, piercing her internal organs. She could recall the blood exploding inside her and then bleeding out as she was met with the faces of her brother and Richie. They wanted to turn her, but that would have been spitting on her fathers grave. As she recalls her last moments before the breath left her lungs for the last time and the words that followed she feels torn. She had been cruel to her brother and to Richie, but it wasn't for nothing. Her life had been pure hell since the Gecko brothers came in and turned her families world upside down. It became even more of a horror show when her brother teamed up with the despicable Carlos. She had always felt the anger right below the surface, trying to keep it in and forgive like a good little christian girl, but at that moment it all came bubbling out. She recalled the pain in her brothers eyes as he watched her leave this world, he would not go against her wishes. Richie however,intended very much to turn her no matter the hate she would have for him, but once Richie saw the plea in her eyes he couldn't do it. Richie had always seen Kate as this shinning beacon in a world of pain and darkness, and at one point early on even let himself fantasize that goodness rubbing off on him. As she peered up at him with her last breath she had told him that she hated him and she could see the sting in his eyes, but in that moment she meant it. She blamed him for everything, since he had a choice and continued to make the wrong one. She also blamed herself for being so reckless and trusting, but in those few seconds before it all went to hell, she had faith that things would be ok. She returned from the tortuered memory and came to her senses. Something was different about her, she could feel something deep inside, It was a hunger, but not for nourishment. She couldn't decipher what was happening and She didn't know what to do or where to go. The only family she had was in league with the worst kind of company. She soon realized she had no other options and made her way to the road. She could see headlights shinning through the darkness, and without reservation she put out her thumb. She had never hitchhiked before, as she was always told it was very dangerous, but after everything, it didn't seem so scary. A truck pulled up and a gentleman with blond hair in is early forties offered her a ride. As she got into the front seat, she became a little uneasy. A man with a strong Texas drawl introduced himself as Jed.

"Are you ok, little lady?" He said noticing her bloody shirt.

She replied."Im fine." If you could just take me to a place up the road called Jack knifes, I would really appreciate it."

"Sure thing, sweet cakes." He replied with a grin to wide to be honest. "Whats a pretty thing like you doing out here in the middle of nowhere?" He asked.

"Oh,I was with some people, and sort of got left behind." Kate answered with a sickening feeling in the pit of her stomach.

"It's a dangerous place out here, didn't your daddy ever warn you about taking rides from strangers?" He said with an ominous tone in his voice. It took Kate only a second to realize she was in trouble, but she had to get back to her brother. Only a few minutes had past before she noticed that the guy was pulling off to the side of the road.

"Whats going on?" Kate asked trembling in fear.

Before he could reply Kate noticed a shiny metallic object tucked beneath the seat. Suddenly the man lunged grabbing her by the hair.

"Don't you know ain't nothing for free in these parts." He said forcing her down into his lap. Just then Kate grabbed for the metallic object that was actually a knife and lunged it in-between his legs.

Blood came spurting out spraying her in the face as the man screamed in agony, grabbing at her and throwing her against the passenger door.

"You bitch." He screamed before reaching for her with his free hand.

Just then a rage she had never known came over her and she lunged at the man with the knife this time digging in. He was clearly close to death, but Kate was overcome with a thirst she couldn't quench. She slid the blade out slowly prolonging the man's agony,as a wicked grin spread across her face. She then preceded to stab the man repeatedly until she felt satiated. Blood splattered onto the windows and she was drenched when she leaned back into the passenger seat to take a breath. As she realized what she had done a feeling of guilt washed over her. She started to panic as she had no idea what was happening. She quickly dropped the knife to the floor board and with a moment of clarity pushed the man over and climbed over his lifeless body so she could get to the steering wheel. She had to get to her brother, He was the only one who could help her. She quickly turned the key and the engine roared, putting foot to peddle she sped out into the darkness. After driving for about ten minutes she finally glimpsed the glow of a neon sign up ahead. She pulled right up to the front door and jumped out,leaving the engine still running. Kate thrue open the doors and stepped in to many a shocked faces. Just then Richie and Seth came walking from the back of the bar. They both gasped in shock as they saw Kate coming toward them.

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