We Meet Again, Boy's

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     "Kate!" Seth shouted as he ran arms outstretched toward her where he enveloped her in his warm embrace. She returned the gesture happy to be in someones presence she didn't despise. Seth pulled away, as Richie stood there completely dumb founded. Richie couldn't believe she was alive and he felt a relief overcome him at the site of her.

"Kate are you ok?" Seth said excitedly."Richie said you were dead."

"She was." Richie interjected, otherwise we would have never left her there.

"You still shouldn't have left me, Richie."

"Kate I didn't have a choice, Carlos had to die for what he did to you." Kate resolved a little when she heard this.

"We are so glad you are alive and we will never let anything bad happen to you again." Seth said.

"Don't make that promise, because you know you can't keep it." She replied.

Kate wanted nothing more than to be alone now that she was somewhat safe, well as safe as you could be in a bar full of culebras.

Im tired and I need to get cleaned up." Kate exclaimed. "Of course!" Richie take her to a room down stairs so she can make herself comfortable." Seth ordered. Kate followed Richie to the back to a hidden elevator. As they made their way deeper beneath the bellows of the bar, Richie couldn't help but stare; he couldn't fathom how she could be alive. The doors opened and Kate followed to the same opening as she had been before.

"Malvado's lair, really Richie." Kate said sarcastically.

"Actually Kate, this is my lair now; infact the whole damn place belongs to me."

"Why am I not surprised?" Kate said deflating Riches ego.

This comment hurt and she could see it in his eyes, but at the moment she didn't care and only wanted one thing.

"Were can I get cleaned up?" Kate asked sternly.

"Right through here." Richie said while leading her to a large room with a statuesque bed and all the fixings of a king. "The shower is in there and I will find you some clothes."

Kate replied."Ok!" and made her way to the bathroom, where she turned on the hot water. As steam filled the room a bloody and broken girl reflected back at her. She looked like she felt and as she peeled off layer after layer of her blood stained clothes she gasped at what she saw. The very spot she had bled out was completely healed, in fact their was no proof of her violent death. This scared Kate, because this is not how it should be. She was ready to die and leave this demon filled world. She was ready to meet her mom at the pearly gates and see the heaven her daddy always preached about. She would have been lucky to get in as she had done some very questionable things since being caught up in all of the evil as of late. She turned to step into the shower leaning against the wall letting the stream of warmth wash away the proof of her transgressions. She had been strong up until then , but in that moment she let go and as she slid down the shower wall into a a puddle of her own blood she let the tears fall. What had she become, the rage she felt was not human. She could still feel the thirst growing inside of her. She tried so hard to hold on to the old Kate, the wholesome image that her father envisioned for her, but she could feel it slowly slipping away. Just then as Richie made his way back to the bathroom door with a waitresses clothes in hand he could hear the faint sounds of sobbing. He felt an instant pang of guilt rush over him as he knew it was his and his brothers fault that she was in this mess. He knocked on the door, but their was no reply, so he opened it slightly to let Kate know that he had found her something to wear. Their was still no answer, only lower cries. He didn't want to invade her privacy, but he also didn't want to leave her alone so after taking a deep breath he walked into the bathroom. Steam filled the shower glass as to hide any traces of her womanhood. He had felt uncomfortable being in here like this, but when he saw Kate crouched on the shower floor, a senses of protection came over him and he gave a light tap on the shower door. "Are you ok?" Richie asked with genuine concern. Kate should have screamed at Richie and told him to get out, but to her surprise she didn't. She had no more shame to give as she sat covered in her own tears. Just then something came over her and she stood to her feet. Richie started to turn away, but she stepped out of the shower grabbing him as she pressed her nakedness against his body. Richie quickly pulled away, it's not that he hasn't had this fantasy, because he has always been attracted to Kate, but he knew something wasn't right. Richie pulled away as he asked in shock "What are you doing Kate." Before she could answer she collapsed in his arms, too weak to carry the weight of her own body. Richie scooped her up and carried her out of the bathroom to the large bed and gently laid her down. As he was doing so he tried to advert his eyes but curiosity got the best of him as he got a glimpse of exactly what was under that frumpy church girl attire. He had seen her in a bikini before, but never like this, and he was not disappointed. He quickly looked away when she noticed him staring. Unto his surprise she didn't get mad, she knew he was trying to help,but she didn't know how to forgive him. Forgiving Seth became easy because he had taken her under his wing, and they had developed a partnership, but Richie was an enigma. It was as if even though he did bad things, their was still a goodness deep inside of him right below the surface waiting to be discovered. He gently wrapped her in the warm covers as Kate wiped the tears from her eyes and started to speak. Richie leaned back and listened. She explained how she had woken up and felt different, but didn't know what it was until she had been picked up by some creep that tried to rape her. Richie's eyes filled with anger at hearing what some bastard put Kate through. He felt a pang in his chest as she went on to say how she took the knife and stabbed him and even tho he was nearly dead she continued to stab him as if to feed some hunger she had inside. Richie waited for her to finish and then tried to console her. "Good that asshole deserved it Kate, I hope you stabbed him in the balls."

Kate replied. I did but I went to far, I could have run, but I didn't. I became something else, something dark, a ....Richie interjected "a monster Kate, like me." Kate could see the hurt in his eyes, but he didn't walk away, instead continued to meet her gaze.

After a moment of silence Richie spoke."Kate! you are not a monster, you did what you had to do. Weather you went to far or not you shouldn't put that blame on yourself." Kate wanted to feel relief but it didn't come, instead she curled up and started to close her eyes. Richie was getting up when Kate reached for his hand and did something she never expected. She asked. "Richie! will you stay with me until I fall asleep." He could never deny Kate and so he replied "Sure" as he went over to the other side of the bed and sat against the headboard.

As he was settling in, Kate spoke. "Richie!"

"Yeah kate?" He replied.

"Can you hold me for a little while, I don't want to be alone."

Richie was shocked that she would want to be this close to him, but he obliged sliding down to make sure to stay on top of the blankets. He leaned in and put is arm around her. Kate shifted and felt a chill run down her spine. She turned over and positioned Riches arm around her so she could lay on his chest. She could feel the warmth of his body seeping through his shirt and a faint sound beating through his chest. Richie had never been this intimate with any woman, he felt strange, but at the same time it was inviting like being by a warm fire.

Kate spoke once more."I'm sorry about what I said before. I don't think I really meant it. Deep down Kate really didn't, but people can say some horrible things when they are under duress.

Richie replied, I wouldn't blame you if you did Kate. Just then Kate drifted off to the sound of one half of a Geckos heart. 

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