Chapter 7

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A/n: Warning there will be a little bit of decapitation and stabbing.

Arnwen POV

     We left Edoras and rode until nightfall. We made camp out on the barren plains of Rohan. Elfwine wanted to keep watch so I let him and after a dinner of lembas bread, we slowly fell asleep, looking at the stars.

Elfwine POV

     As everyone fell asleep, I started to regret staying up to keep watch. Or I could've asked for some company. I stood up and paced around the camp. I was thinking about going to sleep, but then decided against it in case we were attacked during the night. I sat down on a rock and thought about what my father told me. He told me to negotiate about what will be the boundaries once we expand east. I looked at Arnwen (who was asleep) and sighed. How can I convince her to like me? I guess only time will tell. I heard a sword being unsheathed behind me. I turned and spotted a group of wild men hiding in between the rocks. I unsheathed my sword and lunged at one. They saw me coming and tried to attack me. I stabbed one in his chest and yelled to get my companions up. The elf and Arnwen woke up and immediately started to attack them. I stared at Arnwen in awe as I saw she decapitated three of them in one slash, while she stabbed a fourth with a knife behind her. She saw me just standing there and said, "Well, don't just stand there, help." I nodded and thrusted at one. By now, most of the rangers were awake and fighting them. I looked at Arnwen and saw one of the wild men was behind her, ready to strike. I looked at my sword and without thinking, I threw it into the man. It hit him in the heart and he fell to the ground. Arnwen looked at me, then to the dead man, then back at me if shock. I looked around at the 'battlefield' and did not see one wild men alive. The rest of the dúnedain came towards us. "Well, I guess we won't have to look out for you." Arnwen said. And turned to her rangers. "Pack up your things, there is no sense in waiting till dawn." She ordered and we all packed up are things, eager to get behind the white city's walls.

     As we rode, I ordered Luingwen and Cílben to make sure no one was seriously hurt. Once they finished, they told me that only Magor was hurt with a broken toe. I looked back at my company and saw that Magor was riding with Toron. The healers followed my gaze and asked "Is there a problem with them riding like that? Magor cannot ride for if he puts his foot in the stirrups, his toe will heal slower." "No. It is fine." I said and they rode towards the back of my company to watch Magor's toe.

     Malgoben came up a moment later and asked, "What was that about?" "Magor has a broken toe but he will survive." I replied. I heard hoofbeats from behind me and saw Legolas urging his horse forward. He passed me and I realized that he spotted something in the distance. "Legolas, what do you see?" I asked him. He came back to our group and replied, "Osgiliath, we're almost there." a few of my rangers shouted 'yes'.  I told my company to gallop until we reach Osgiliath.

     We arrived at Osgiliath a few hours later. As we came in, a group of men surrounded us. A moment later, a man with grey hair made us dismount our horses and lead us to his leader.

     He walked toward a man with brown hair and motioned at us. I assumed that he was the grey haired man's leader. He came up to us and asked why we are here. He turned toward Legolas asked he said. "Lord Faramir, we have come to seek Aragorn's council." "Wait, Legolas, you know him?" I asked. "Yes I know Legolas from the war of the ring. But I don't know who you are." The leader - Faramir interrupted. All of a sudden, Elfwine came to the front and said "She is Arnwen, daughter of Arveleg the first and heir to the throne of Arnor." "Elfwine, quiet." I hissed. Faramir raised an eyebrow so I told him, "What he says is true. We seek to visit the white city and to help you in this time. Also Aragorn expects us." I lied at the last part but it might help in this situation. "If my Lord Aragorn wants you to go, then I will escort you to Minas Tirith. I just finished my survey of Osgiliath and I intended to return tomorrow. I will ride to Minas Tirith tonight to ask him. In the meantime, rest here tonight for you must be weary, you will travel at dawn." He responded and ordered his men to find a few spare rooms for the night.

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