The Same (Harsh Language)

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Today, is my first day taking classes at the local career center. Personally I jumped at the chance. It essentially cuts my days at school in half. Who wouldnt kill to leave at 11 am? Just one more year of this easy ride, and I can get out of this hellhole.

I dont consider myself an outcast, but tell that to these assholes at my school. Ever since i came here freshman year, they've all treated me like I'm worthless. Fuck it, and fuck them. I'll keep to myself and get through this bullshit.

The bell rings, and Im the first one in the room, even before the instructor. Soon after, the crowd shuffles in laughing and talking as if theyd known each other forever. Great, another fucking collective group to push me aside. Look at them smiling and laughing without a care in the world Idiots! Calm down, just bite your tongue, smile and nod.

The first of them introduces himself. A rather burly fellow. Typical jock douchebag. I shook his hand and nodded, only mentioning my name. He gave me an uncomfortable look. I dont know what it was about it, but it pissed me off. Some of the others greeted each other as well. At least its not as tight knit as i assumed. The blonde came up to me trying to start a conversation, but i just want today over with. I shook her hand and made any excuse i could to get her to leave me alone. Im used to that by now, and it usually works. Something about her face bothers me though. I cant quite tell what it is, but I wish she'd stop looking at me like that. The rest of them follow suit. Half of them bombard me with personal questions.. Why cant they just leave me alone like everyone else? I mean damnit, mind your own business.

It went like this for months, before some of them finally realize they should ignore me. I'm getting some peace, now. But the blonde, something is off with her. She just stares at me blankly. Is there something in my teeth or what? Fuck off already.

Every now and then she tries to talk to me, but I continued with excuses to make her leave me be. It seems to work most time, but shes get rather intolerable. Is she stupid or something? Cant she see i just want to be left alone?

6 months in now. Im almost to the finish line. Luckily for me, we get the next week off from the career center so I get to go home early today. Driving home, I turn off the radio. I just want it to be quiet for a while. I may be free from school but not from home. The only true peace I get is on the open road. Time soothes my frustrations as I pull into my driveway.

Dad's home already... Shit. I exit my car and close the door quietly. Sneaking a peak through the door, I see that he is passed out on the couch. Drunk already? Its fucking noon, what a loser. I tip toe past him towards my room. As i pull the door open it shrieks with the sound of rusted hinges grinding into each other.

I hear a loud snort in the distance,"What the fuck, boy! Im trying to sleep goddamnit." "Sorry" I utter out. "What was that?!" he shouted. "I said sorry!" "Next time you sound off like you got a pair. I aint raising no goddamn girls in this house." "fuck you", I whisper under my breath. "What did you say to me you little shit?!" Fuck, how did he hear that? I quickly jiggle the keys into the lock on my door, but it wont go. Wrong key? No, then why the fuck wont it go. Damn damn damn! A shadow blocks out the light previously illuminating the side of my face. I turn to the left, and from the corner of my eye, My father stands tall and yet simultaneously slouching.

"You want to speak up this time, boy." a feeling of tingling heat rushes from my head to my toes. Fuck it, its already too late anyway. "I said, fuck you."

His eyes widened, and in a flash i felt the weight of his clenched fist pummel into my stomach. I hunch over and slide to the floor. He kicks me repeatedly in the stomach and once in the head. The front of his boot split open the skin of my eyebrow. Blood pools on the ground and wets my cheek. He stops, "shit. You know what to do boy." he says under his breath as he walks away.

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