Hawthorne's Gambit

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"Cap'n, the mist ain't lettin' up a wee bit. We got to make our move sooner rather than later."

Captain Hawthorne stares out into the night sky contemplating the nature of the situation at hand.

"Cap'n!" shouts Hendricks once more.

Hawthorne turns to his men awaiting on the deck for his every command. Hand resting on the hilt of his cutlass, he slowly unsheaths it. Rising it to the sky, the men look on him in anticipation. pointing his blade directly at the moon, he shouts, "Take a good last look men! We've been on the run from the navy for a fortnight. And they show no signs of quittin' our wake. We'll be runnin' for the rest of our lives if we don't end it here."

The deckhands scramble about in a panic. Shoving and shouting at one another, Hawthorne howls at the men with all his might, "Quiet! We aren't goin down without a fight, and we are not dying like dogs with our tails 'tween our legs! Take a good look up men, for we'll all be in with the stars before the night is o'er."

The men calm down for a moment still restless and unsure of the decision that's been made. Hawthorne knows that he can only do so much as the Captain. The choice still lies in with his men. The crew all lift their heads and stare off in a trance into the starry night. A few let their heads sink down, and some even begin to weep.

Hendricks takes one step forward past the wheel, "Y'all aren't lettin' the Cap'n see your tears are ye?" The men all look on him with broken expressions. "We joined the Cap'n to live our lives the way we wanted. And he's giv'n that to us. Fer Pete's sake, show a little damned dignity and let those British bastards know what we're made of!"

Hendricks slaps Hawthorne on the back of his shoulder and gives him a hearty laugh. "We're with ya to the bitter end, Cap'n. Ain't that right boys!" Trading glances with one another, the deck hands rally and cheer Hawthorne's name. Their chanting echoes into the night through even the fog. Spirit sounds louder than that of a war machines feigned pretenses. So loud in fact, the echoes can be heard by the British Naval Force not far off the Hawthorne's Gambit. The cheers draw the Naval forces into the dense fog where the final clash of the night shall begin.

As the forces near the edge of the fog, the Hawthorne's Gambit comes barreling out of the dense fog. War cries of the crew drown out all other sound to be made. Suddenly, a huge succession of booms deafens the night as cannonballs crash through the masts of the British ships.

Hawthorne shouts, "Pull up on the broadside of the leading vessel. Bow chasers fire a distraction shot into the bulk of the navy." The ship lines up with the smaller naval vessel "FIRE!!" shouts Hawthorne. Several cannonballs shatter the beam of the crows nest and crush the bow to pieces." The powder keg reserves catch fire and soon blow the navy ship into a blaze of fire soon to be swallowed by the darkened sea.

The second leading navy ship pulls hard to the starboard side firing off it's port weapons into the bulk of the Gambit leaving the innards fleshed open. Hawthorne's men attempt to reach the reserve of cannonballs to fire off the portside in retalliation, but the ship begins to crumble. The shots tore through the support beams.

"She won't hold much longer Cap'n!" shouts Hendricks.

Hawthorne takes the wheel and spins it counterclockwise as fast as he can. The crew work quickly in conjunction to prepare the sails. "All those not manning the sails, gather as much of the powder as ye can! Bring it to the deck!" The men follow his order with haste and gather as much as they can still reach.

Hendricks runs to Hawthorne's aid, "So what's your plan Cap'n?" Hawthorne looks down at his crew with a somber expression followed by a courageous determination, "We're taking the bastards with us." Hendricks gasps momentarily, looks upon the wreckage of the ship and out to remaining naval forces. "I see... It's been an honor, Hawth....Wesley. May I see ye in the afterlife." Hawthorne rests his hand on Hendricks shoulder "Aye, Finn, I'll see ye soon brother."

The crew shouts up to the captain that the kegs are all in place. Hawthorne looks out to them all shouting, "Long live the Gambit! And all the joys we've shared on her carry over to the next life. Light the kegs men!"

Hawthorne's men were not fools. The moment he declared to acquire the remainder of the black powder, they all knew how it was going to end.

With a mighty cry, Hawthorne called out, "CHARGE!!!".

The ship sailed over the waives at top speed into the center of the British fleet. Cannon fire flew overhead the Gambit, but no shots landed. Quickly passing the surrounding vessels it rolls headfirst towards the main vessel lying at the center of the fleet. Every member of the Gambit howled up at night sky, as the ship crashed head first into the center of the naval forces. A booming roar filled the area as a massive fireball engulfed even the sky. Both ships tear apart into a tornado of splinters and fire, careening down into the murky depths. within minutes, the sea swallows up the entirety of the exchange. Not a man survived the crash, but their souls carry on into the night.

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