Chapter 1

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    Chapter 1: Years After

Carl slowly picked up a picture. He still wore a bandage over his right eye. The picture was of him, Sunny, and River. It was the only one they were able to take of her. Carl couldn't stop the millions of questions from flooding into his mind.
Where was she? Was she in some kind of trouble? Could Sunny be thinking of him? Of coming back to Alexandria? Could she be out there lost, waiting for him to find her?

Carl just didn't know. He set the picture down, keeping hope like he always did. They were going to find her, and he was going to see her at this battle's end.

My mouth was dry as I breathed quickly. My feet rushed out from under me, as whatever lay on the forest floor crunched below my running feet. I burst through the down stretching branches of the willow tree. Coming to a swift halt, I used the tree for support as I leaned over and tried to regulate my breathing. My left arm stung, as some blood pooled at a few of the cuts I had required earlier. Eventually my breathing slowed some. Standing upright, I brushed past the curtain of willow branches, and kneeled by the stream next to it. After splashing my face with the cold water, I sat criss-cross, taking in the peaceful area. Absentmindedly my hand smoothed over the soft grass.

It was times much like this, I thought back to everything. To Carl, Daryl, Rick, and everyone in Alexandria. The sound of the water, and the breeze moving the willow branches and tall grass caused my mind to wander to what it use to be.

"Wait. So your middle name is Hope?" Carl had asked, as we walked through the streets of Alexandria.
"Yeah. A. Hope Darren." I had responded.

I had always wondered, if I had said Dixon then, if I would have know my brother faster.

"Sunny. Don't let go." Carl pleaded, hardly even able to look up at me.
"I'm not going to let you fall." I had told him, before I fell for him.

I sighed, brushing some of my loose copper hair behind my ear. It must must have been pulled from the ponytail when I fell. At times like this, I always wondered if Carl still thought of me. Of course, I'd never fail to tell myself that he'd already moved on. He's bound to have by now. I couldn't see them in full hopes I was a still alive, but I was wrong once. I could always be wrong a second time. My eyes met the blue sky with puffy white. I pulled at one of the branches, before it broke off. Repeating the action, I took a second, small, branch. Once I stood rubbing my chin where a scar use to be. Many of them had faded surprisingly. The ones that were most noticeable : was the one over my left eye, one I had gotten from a bullet grazing my head, the star on my shoulder, three of four bullet scars, and the three on my lower back that created an 'A'.
I turned the two short branches in my hands. My thoughts of the old days drifted away with the cool afternoon breeze, as I was brought back to the present. I put the two branches into the satchel I had put in the willow tree; along with a few other little things I'd found on my daily "adventures". Slipping the small bags strap over my shoulder, I stepped over the stream and headed to the meadow. I had it set in mind to finish my work, since I had taken a break to go on my run like everyday.
"Hawna!" A voice called from the house.
"Yeah Mary?" I called back.
"Why don you just come back in. The horses could do one day without exercise." Without arguing I jogged to the old farmhouse, meeting the farmer's wife. "And on top of that it seems that you wore yourself out on you run." She put her hand on my shoulder with a kind smile. "Besides, you work hard enough, far more than you've ever needed to." She patted my shoulder. "Now go and relax, there should be a water on the counter for you."
"Thanks Mary!" I yelled after her, and she waved me off as a 'no thanks needed'. Chuckling a little, I walked into the house. I took my hair out of the pony tail, combing my fingers through the copper strands. Mary, her husband, and the two that worked for them took me in a long while ago.

I kept running, even though it was slightly getting harder. The Walkers just wouldn't let up. Before I knew it, my knees buckled from under me. I tumbled to the ground, breathing heavily. The walkers continued to grow closer, and I expected the end. Memories of Carl and I played in my head, as I took ahold of my knife. Suddenly the soft report of a rifle rang through the air, before several more. I watched as the walkers fell, and a woman came up closer to me. Slowly I pushed myself up. The four people stared me down, seeing that I was only sixteen. Then their eyes wondered down to my swelling stomach. Without hesitation, one of the women helped me up, and they took me to their home.

My hand went to my stomach at the memory and unknowingly I rubbed it. I was still getting back into shape with my daily jogging that turned into running less than halfway through. Grabbing the glass of water I was promised on counter, I made my way to the couch in the living room. This place reminded me a lot of the Greene family farm, but there were several differences. This place, I believed to be somewhere in the middle of Ohio. My arm stung from the tumble I had taken, but in my mind it wasn't as bad as other cuts I had gotten. Taking nice long sips of the glorious cool water, I closed my eyes and sat back. It had seemed like quite the long day. Yet I had several other decisions to make soon, one just happened to come to mind.
"Shi-" before I could finish the four letter word I cut myself off at the sound of two sets of little feet. I made it a point not to curse in front of the kids.
The sets of feet quit running, and slowly approached the couch. The two curious kids made their seats next to me, careful in case I was sleeping. A third set of footsteps slowly entered, not to disturb me after work. Then, I felt someone poke my shoulder, to test if I was really sleeping. The action caused me to chuckle lightly.
"Yay, your back!" The two cheered. They were about to jump on me, like they always did, when I held my hand up.
"Be careful, mommy has a cut." I warned.
The third pair of footsteps came from behind the couch. "Oh, Hawna."
"Alanna, don't worry about it. Just a simple scrape." I mumble, my eyes still closed.
"Simple scrape, a rooster's tail!" Alanna huffed. "I'll be right back."
Once Alanna's steps grew faint, I opened an eye, glancing the direction she went, before looking at the two kids that sat next to me. My straight face, was taken by a smirk, as they grinned at me. I scooted over just the slightest, and they both took a side. My arms rested on either of their shoulders, hugging the twins - my twins - close. I planted a kiss on each forehead, and the two squirmed a little, but mostly my little girl did the squirming. I combed my fingers through her soft golden brown hair, it was almost a dirty blond color. Whereas her brother had dark brown hair with the slightest hint of red. Alanna schooled them a little, Mary helped as well. This place could be our home, for the three of us. But I needed to think of when we were going to leave to find Alexandria. I needed to think of my little boy and girl.

Alanna strode back into the room, and took a light hold of my wrist. She put disinfectant on my cuts, causing me to hiss, and cleaned the cuts out a little. Once she was done, Alanna put a few bandages over it. With a huff, she walked into another room. I gave a sigh, before kissing Angel and CJ's forehead again. With that I leaned back on the couch, and soon drifted into a light sleep with the twins in my arms....

Sorry the first chapter was a little uneventful, it should pick up some next chapter.
This is the reedited chapter. One of my friends read the original and said she didn't like that Sunny was older, so I scratched that idea and started new. I hope you like it.
Soooo, Sunny does have kids! Angel her little girl, and CJ, her son.
Find out who their father is (never know, could be flipping Preston - damn it Res)
But she is planning on her return. What could go wrong, right?
Please vote and comment, and until the next chapter!

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