Suprise - 2

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"Hello everybody. I'm (Y/N) and you may know me from Marks videos. I have decided to make my own channel since I love recording videos." I start my video. I explain upload times and what I will be doing on the channel. Why am I so nerves? It's just a camera. I pause for a second. I don't have an outro. Um...
"Thanks you guys for watching this video. That's all from me so see you guys later!" I ended the video.
"Nice video," I hear a voice behind me.
"MARK! How long have you been there for?" I ask and he laughs.
"The whole time. Don't worry the camera can't see me." He says and I sigh.
"Well. I'm glad that's out the way. I'm gonna sleep now. I need my sleep. Don't watch me while I do that too." I say and he smirks.
"Oh haha. Go sleep child." He says.
"Gladly," I say and I go to my room. I get ready and go to bed. After 5 minuets of trying to sleep, I give up and decide to watch YouTube. Yeah I'm not very patient. First off, I need to watch Markiplier. After watching Mark I will watch some Jacksepticeye and Pewdiepie. Now I will try to sleep again. YouTube is my life. I spend most times watching YouTube or recording one with Mark or helping edit. Now I have my own channel. This should be interesting. I then hear a knock at the door.
"(Y/N)? I know you said you needed sleep but I want you to meet someone," Mark says.
"Alright." I say and follow Mark to the recording room. On the Skype chat was the one, the only pewdiepie.
"so this is the girl who's going to pax with us?" Felix asks.
"Yeah, (Y/N) meet Felix." He says and gestures me to sit down.
"Hi (Y/N)," Felix smiles.
"Hiya Felix. So nice to speak to you," I say and he smiles.
"Are you a bro?" He ask and I laugh.
"Of course," I say as we brofist through the screen.
"Alright I'm gonna head back to bed. Night." I say as I walk out the room. I stand there for a moment. Not sure why I did but I did. I then heard Mark and Felix.
"So she has no idea?" I heard Felix say.
"Nope. Not a clue." Mark says.
"And Jack did his part?" Felix asks.
"Yep," Mark says.
"Well good. You deserve to be happy and if this is what you wanna do I will support you," Felix says.
"Thanks man," Mark says. I walk to my room. What were they on about? I'm too tired to figure it out to be honest. I need sleep.

I woke to the sound of music.
"Maaaaaaaaarrrrrk," I say sleepy. It's too early on a Saturday to do this. "Please turn it down," I say as I walk into his room. He was dancing, singing into a comb and wearing just boxers.
"Oh my god Mark!" I say as I cover my eyes. Mark turns of the music and chucks on some clothes.
"Sorry I woke you didn't I?" He says.
"It's fine. Just make me food please?" I say and he nods.
"Of course," He says and goes to make breakfast. I go and join him and just watch him for a bit. I got bored quickly though.
"So Mark? When is pax prime?" I ask.
"Well, I think we both deserve a holiday so we are going next Monday and staying there till next Monday. The weekend is pax prime." He says.
"Yep!" He shouts.
"Will it be just us or are Jack and Felix gonna be there too?" I ask.
"Jack will but Felix won't,"He say and I nod.
"This will be an interesting holiday," I say and he laughs.
"Yes it will," He says.
"When are we packing?" I ask as Mark puts breakfast on the table and we sit down.
"Later today if possible. Jack will come tomorrow and we leave the day after." He says.
"Alright, sounds great!" I say.
"Felix will get there on the Friday," He says.
"Ok cool," I say. After we finished eating I went to my room to pack.
"You want any help?" Mark popped his head round the door.
"But you haven't even packed yet," I say.
"It won't take me that long. Let me help you." He says and he walks in.
"Alright fine," I sigh as we begin to pack my stuff.

This story is defo going places! I'm loving writing this. So thanks for reading it.
Fan-Fic-Girl3579 x

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