Chapter four:love the fall

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.............................................................Hey guys,Im really disappointed with the lack of interest :( but I published chap 4 anyway,in hope of getting more reads,votes,comments.I am sorry for slow updates,and short chapters,This girl at school has been giving me shit,and her words really hurt.I am trying to write stories,to distract my self from self-harm,because its either cutting myself,or writing that helps relieve my stress.Sorry for this ridiculously long wait.Please enjoy AWR!


Maya's POV

I felt jakes sweet lips pashing into mine.I moaned from the intensity.He slowly bit at my bottom lip,deepening the kiss.As he moved his lips away,I looked at his perfect features(I must admit I felt a little perverted.His eyes met mine,and I couldn't help but blush,when he caught me checking him out."Ha ha ha",he chuckled.Suddenly, felt my skin go cold,the breeze hit my flesh,as Jake removed my bed sheets.I stared at him,but his gaze didn't meet my eye,instead,it was spread across my body.I couldn't help but feel uncomftorble,laying there in a bra and pj shorts.Slowly,Jake started to speak:"I want...",he didn't finish his sentence,instead I could feel his cold hands,sliding down my body.I shreiked,but he cupped my lips with his other hand.Slowly,I felt the drawstring of my shorts,become undone. "Jake,stop!",I pleaded,tears rushing down my cheeks into a sob.

Jake looked me in the eye,the lustful expression on his face,slowly ceasing,a tear trickled from his cyan eyes,and he whispered:"Im sorry,baby ,please forgive me,I want you more than ever,but that dosent excuse what I've done." Slowly,I felt his fingers come away from my body,and he kissed my forehead.I saw his body rise as he was about to leave. "Wait,don't go!"I sobbed.

I felt him slump back down,as he covered me in my blankets.He moved away the sheets,and layed down next to me,the tears in his eyes,slowly stopping.I felt him envelop me in his arms,and the tears rushing down my face,eased into drops.I closed my eyes,and let him stroke my hair.Then I heard him sing to me in his angelic voice:

"If love was a bullet through my heart you would fllll-i i

,baby if your scared through it,I'll stay with you tonight

so doooont let me fall,I'll staaaaaay with it all ,

I'll hold you dear,and you'll have nothing to feeeeeaaaarr

so let me love you,and everything's cleaarrrrrrr."

I slept through his song,not caring if anyone heard him.My mother was dozing off,and the door was locked.Plus,even if she saw jake,he could just as easily ,safely erase her memory.In just a few short days,this girl who was a quiet little student ,this ordinary schoolgirl,was nothing more.She had transformed into a masochistic,cynical freak she didn't care,because she had caused this with her own hands,drew with her own blood,and choose to sacrifice sanity for love,even if it meant putting her humanity on the line.She learnt that there is a monster inside even the best of us,and until we unleash that monster,then we haven't lived yet.She had discovered what most 16 year olds don't discover till there time is almost up,that life wasnt life without pain,and pain wasnt bad unless you were scared of it,and she had learnt to do the opposite,to embrace pain,and I must say that I was very happy with her(if I do say so myself).I layed my head on Jakes shoulder,then my vision slowly ceased,as my body took its rest.

...............................................................Jakes POV

I lay there,caressing Maya's long wavy hair.I felt terrible,I had just hurt the person I loved the most.I knew she wouldn't be able to forgive me.I had nearly made her fall from heaven.Her body looked so weak,as she lay on my chest.I felt like a monster,correction:I was a monster.I loved her more then ever,but I couldn't do this to her,not if I wanted her to love me back.I closed my eyes,this was the first time in 175 years,that I'd ever slept.I never used to sleep,I was always over thinking about things,and it kept me awake,plus a vampires body didn't need sleep,but today was the only time I stopped thinking,I was in a trance from Maya,and even I felt weak,but I loved this feeling,it almost Made me feel human again.I shut my eyelids,and within a couple of minutes,I could feel nomore,but then after a couple of seconds,I felt something strange,I found myself at the school clinic.I walked in and showed the nurse my gashed leg.She nodded at me understandingly,"You know, You can always come for help.Ive seen you walking around,bruised or bleeding,and you just walk back to class,I understand if your sporty and get injured,or if your accident prone,But please do not hesitate to someone to help you out,don't worry even the jocks come here when there hurt,so it's nothing to be ashamed of,I'm here to help."She explained sweetly."But what if not helping is helping?"I asked."Well, do you mean like masochism?" "Yeah,I'm a masochist" "Oh,ok just wanted to help you out,but it's your choice.Although please try to stay safe,even if your a masochist."She smiled sweetly.

By now I had realised who it was,it was Maya,her gorgeous chestnut hair and eyes,her pale glowing complexion and her sexy hourglass figure."Actually,I spoke,"There is one thing I need from you". "Um,okay what is it?" I clicked my fingers,and lock on the door closed.The windows were closed,and I pulled the blinds down.I grabbed her,and started to take off her clothes.She just stared at me the whole time,not saying a word.By now she was just in her underwear,I stripped out of my clothes, also.I turned her around,and slowly undid her bra.I pulled her panties down,and pushed her towards my body.I fell down on top of her.I thrust her so hard,that it nearly hurt me.I could see tears rolling out of her eyes from the pain.But I could tell she was enjoying it.I brought my lips,and licked her swiftly.She shrieked in pleasure.We lay there,unaware of everything around us.

Then, just as I was about to let her have a break,I felt her fight back,her chest pressed against mine,her fingers locked around my neck, I was so excited that my heart was beating way more then it should.I started to try and catch a breath,put it was no use,I was dying,she was killing me with pleasure.I stopped fighting,I knew this was the end,but it was the perfect death for me, and I just smiled.Then as I closed my eyes into death,they fluttered open,as I woke up.

I was dreaming.I knew it was too good to be true.So this is what it's like to have a wet dream,I thought,my cum all over me.I could do anything to her,now,while she was asleep,I could satisfy myself and then erase her memory,and the only thing that was stopping me,was that smile on her face,when I had held her in my arms.

I decided that I had to wait just a little bit longer,and then she would feel comfortable with me.I never felt this for a human,but Maya wasnt a human,she was a goddess.Littledid she know her own magnificence.I kissed her forehead and flitted back to my bedroom,not making a sound.I stayed awake for the rest of the morning,reminescing over Maya,some times so much that the pressure was too much for me to handle,and I'd sigh like a girl.I wasnt gonna let anyone stop us now.We were lovers,we were inseprable and as long as I'm alive,I plan to keep it that way.

...............................................................Hey guys,A bit of A short chapter,please understand my circumstances.Anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter it was very intense.Do you guys think its too short?please let me know-sexyemobitch xx

................................................................hey guys,I'm so sorry for not updating,I'm counselling someone,please look out for updates should be done by Friday:)

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