Chapter one:Sweet poison

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The girl with the big brown eyes,she never let shit ruin her day.That was'never',this is 'always'.

The girl who knew how to prevent a drama before it happened and was always cautious.That was 'knew',this Is 'thought'.

The girl who had a passion for writing about things that were the opposite of her life;pain,death,blood,loss.She never thought that one day,these stories would depict her everyday life.That was 'thought',this is 'knew'.

The girl who never gave away her heart to the wrong person and gave the right person her heart and everything that they wanted.That was 'Right',this is 'wrong'

The girl who lived in serenity,innocence and peace just by being alone.That was 'Alone',this is Jake Collins.

'This' was the poison,this isn't the cure.

Chapter one

"Hurry up Maya,shouted Flo,as we ran upstairs to maths class.As we ran into the room we stopped and stared,the principle was at the front of the classroom,which was not very common.Quietly,we sat down and listened to her,moments later,a very anxious boy walked into the room.

He had sky blue hair that touched his collar and his fringe swept to the side.His luminous eyes matched his brilliant hair colour.His face was long and sharp and his body was toned and muscular.He seemed like the perfect looking guy,but that's not what the class saw,instead they saw an insecure punk covered in piercings;one in his brow,lip,neck and four in his ear.Everyone gave him a cold look,everyone except for me,I knew their was more than that.

Slowly,he spoke."My name is Jake Collins,I'm 16 I came from Alabama,nice to meet you".They all greeted him everyone except me, the moment our eyes met I couldn't hear anything around me,he had put me in a trance.

"Now who would like to sit next to Jake?",asked the principle."I would",I exclaimed,as my hand shot up. What had gotten into me?Jake slowly sat next to me,never taking his eyes off me for a moment,as he slumped down into his chair,he looked me in the eye,then slowly he started gazing at my neck,then when he realised the class was watching,he started to speak."Hi Maya,I'm Jake,it's lovely to meet you",he said optimistically. "If you don't mind me asking,why did you move,I thought Alabama was a good place?"I inquired. "I loved Alabama,but my dad got a promotion here and we had to move". That's what he told me,but my instincts said it was a lie.

Me and the crew;Florence ,Zachary and Mason walked out of class with Jake.I couldn't help but realise Jake's constant staring at my neck."Oh do I have something there?"I asked Jake. "No you don't,was just admiring your necklace",he said bluntly."So you must be my new next door neighbour then,right Jake?"I asked. "Um yeah,you live at 35 Webster street,right?"asked Jake. "Um yeah I do,if you want I can walk home with you" "Oh thanks,Maya I really appreciate it"he replied.

Me,Jake and my crew,walked home,my house was on the opposite path to the rest of my crew,so I bid them farewell and walked away with Jake.

As we reached out gates,jake stopped."I'll see ya round,Maya?" "Of course you will,see ya Jake." I slowly walked into the house,but Jake rushed into his.


Jake's POV

I ran into the bathroom,panting I could feel the lust of a monster,blood. I wanted to drain every last drop of Maya's blood.I huffed and puffed at the urge and flinched at the agony,I tried to calm himself by sinking my fangs into my wrist,but it only worsened the pain.By now My parents had smelt the blood and ran to my aid,I was on the floor now ,fighting against the venom in my body.Just then a pulse of venom shot up my neck blacked me out.

"Jake,jake,jake,Jake,wake up"soothed my parents.I slowly opened my eyes,Icouldn't make out anything I saw,my world was masked with blood.I spoke slowly,"I ca can't do it",I trembled,"kill me".My mother froze,"Jake,calm down,very soon you be alright." With that she gently took my wrist and injected a substance in my vein."Go to sleep,Jake,when you wake your troubles would have ceased." "Bu...",before I could finish my words,I tumbled into unconsciousnes.


Maya's POV

I walked into my room and threw away my uniform from my body.I lay on my bed,trying to make sense of my peculiar day.Nothing I thought of made sense.Why does he look at me like he'll kill me at an given moment,then compliment my fashion,why does stare at me compassionately and then not say much at all,why is he so mysterious?I turned off the lights and slept.


Jake's POV

"Jake,I know what you want,come on,eat me I won't mind,for you I'd do anything.Maya leant over to my lips,bringing the nape of her neck dangourously close to them.I lent in,my body trembling ,my throat burning,and that's when I felt the sunlight in my eyes.

"Jake,you were dreaming,are you okay?"asked my father."Im fine",I replied.It was a terrible dream but one that was becoming a gruesome reality."Jake,you dont have to go to school today"?said my mother "um,it's okay I'll be fine,"I said,without thinking now.I could feel that a beast had come alive in me,and with it came,a new desire,the malice that I never wished to posses,had possessed me,and without a second thought,I sprung out of bed and got ready for school.My battle with my self was over.I new that Jake was dead,but I also new that a monster was born,and it was hungry for Maya's blood,so I didn't hesitate to stay by her neck.

I met Maya at the gate. "Hi Jake",she said cheerily,"how are you?" "I can't,I'm sorry",I said,by saying this,I new their was still a part of 'Jake' left. "you can't what?"asked Maya."I can't be around you,please understand". "What?"exclaimed Maya,but it was too late,the beast inside me had been unleashed,now his monster side could contol my every action. "Don't worry Maya,I'm joking",I exclaimed foolishly. I had let him win,R.I.P Jake.


Maya POV

"Um yeah,okay",I laughed half-heartedly.I was now more confused about Jake then ever."Come on,"said Jake,as we left for school.We didn't talk for the whole way there.

We met with the rest of the crew,except for Flo,who had went off with her long time BF,Ashton.Ashton wasnt the good type,in fact he was just the opposite,he had turned florence into a bad-ass bitch,as Florence was a good two shoes before she met him. So the rest of the crew walked to school. Mason and Zach were also my best friends.Mason didn't like Jake from the moment he met him,he gave Jake glares of envy,he was jealous that such a punk had won my heart,he never wanted to let him take it,but he couldn't control my actions.You see,me and Mason had been dating for a whole year,he dumped me because I thought he was too possesive,but were still good friends though, I don't regret breaking up with him.

The whole day at school,Jake had become totally unreadable,one minute he was stuck to me like glue,the next he would be brushing me off.I was so upset and angry,that I didn't walk with him,instead I waited for him to leave,and I walked home with my crew.Then I said goodbye to them at the path.Then I suddenly stopped,I heard something rustling in the adjacent forest,then I was two blue eyes,it was Jake.

"What is it now,first you don't go away,then you brush me off,have I done anything to offend you?"I asked him.He didn't answer,instead he picked me up and took me with him into the forest."put me down I asked kindly."But he didn't answer,instead he said"Im sorry".His eyes turned a fiery red,I tried to scream but I couldn't.He lifted my chin up and leant over at my neck.I saw sharp fangs protruding from his lips.I shrieked,He violently lunged his fangs into my neck,penetrating through my skin and I could feel him indulging in my dark,crimson blood,which was now flowing into his lips and onto his clothes."Stt stop"I stuttered,before I collapsed into his arms.

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