chapter three:hansel and gretal

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Okay guys,this was ment to be the sneak peek,but since that feedback I'm going to write it now .Enjoy

-sexyemobitch xx


Maya's POV

Jake started to walk,then he stopped and talked to me' "I'm gonna have to take a shortcut",he grinned.I didn't know what he ment,but I didn't have time to think,because a second later,we were racing off the ground at impossible speeds.I closed my eyes,it was wonderful,but scary at the same time.5 seconds later we were at my house.

"OK",said Jake."I may of not told you,but vampires can hypnotise humans.I am going to have to hypnotise Florence and her mum,so that they believe you stayed for the night and if your mum asks,then she won't be suspicios.Please understand,it's not harmful or painful". "Okay",I agreed. "But promise not to hurt them,".

I was a bit reluctant,but it was my only choice.I somehow got the feeling that this method,was going to be used a lot.

I stood there,making sure that I looked un suspicious.My pe shirt was free of blood,my arms were still extremely stiff,but my neck wounds were small,and together with my sore limbs,they formed the perfect excuse,falling out of a tree.I just hoped Jake could work his magic.He was magic.He was so perfect,I had to admit it made me jelous!I took out my spare key,and unlocked the door.Mum was still asleep.

...............................................................Jakes POV

In an instant,I was at Flo's house.I flitted into the house(I could get in without opening it).I didn't want to disturb Flo's or her mum,but I knew I wouldn't be disturbing anything too hectic because Flo's mum shanique,was divorced.I went into Flos bedroom.It was small,but beautifully furnished.I walked over to her bed,and I slowly started to wake her,by tapping her shoulder.She started to open her eyes,then before she could scream,I quickly cupped her mouth with my hands.I saw the panick on her face,and I felt terrible."Shhhhhhh,it's okay I'm here to help you"I soothed.My eyes turned red.Her face went white with shock,I thought she was about to scream,so I gently cupped her lips."When you close your eyes,you will believe that Maya slept over your house,yesterday and if anyone asks you questions about it,you will make up a believable answer."With that,I clicked my fingers,and watched her drift away into sleep.I now had to do the same to her mother.Her mother pretty much had the same reaction,the shock,the horror then finally,the peaceful sleep.I was glad that my job there was done.

I flitted back to my house in a couple of seconds.When I got there,I made sure I had no blood no me.You couldn't see it,but for a vampire,you could defiantly smell it.I had never smelt blood as beautiful as mayas,it made me crazy.Like drugs for a human,dangourous.but addictive.

I spryed myself with a strong cologne.It was no ordinary cologne,but instead one that masks the smell of blood.I had a tool belt full of helpful things such as,antivenom,amnesia lollies,pain killers,poisens and of course,a vial of pureblood blood.I never wanted to use this on any one,because it would mean instnt transition into a vampire.I had to take precautions though.My patents didn't know about the cologne,because I bought it in secret.I flitted in side ,My parents were awake.Ut wasn't awkward for me to come home late,I always ran away,and told my parents I needed space.They didn't mind,because they knew,I could defend myself against humans if anything were to happen to me..But when the vampires went against us,it was hard to trust anyone.I had previously told them I was going out,they cautioned me,but agreed,since there wasnt vampires after us here.But they made me shapeshift into someone else,so that I wouldn't be recognised.My mum had been constantly texting meand I texted back to say I was okay. I slowly stepped towards them,I stared into their eyes.

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