Chapter 20

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How Is she a slut?! Mark said in anger.

She just kissed pretty much all of you plus! She just said she was stuck in a love triangle!! SLUT

~Emily's POV~

I started to tear up really bad.. So i went to the bathroom to clean up...

SEE! She just went into the bathroom!

Your point is??!!

She is probably going to cut herself for the attention!

Well... I was going to cut.. But.. I took her advice n i don't want to get all the attention so i didn't cut i just left myself as i am.. N just sat there looking in the mirror repeating the words.. Emily your not ugly. Emily your not ugly. But it didn't help then i started to cry until.. I heard a knock on the door..

~Mark's POV~
I saw Emily go into the bathroom crying so I went to go help her.. But I herd her crying.. I got really worried so I knocked on the door..

Hey Em! Don't do anything stupid!

I'm Not don't worry!!

Then Emily came out of the bathroom covering her eyes because she had been crying so I removed her hands from her eyes n they were all ready n puffy so I hugged her to make her feel safe n warm..

Hey Em! Don't cry.. I'm here n you will be safe in my arms!

Thanks! Mark.. But why do you like me? I'm a slut remember?!

Don't say that! Your not a slut your n angel!

~Jacob's POV~
I saw Mark flirting with Emily! N that is not okay! She is mine n I love her!

Mark!! She is my girlfriend! Back away!!

~Emily's POV~
I started blushing so hard!! I know I'm not Jacobs girlfriend but.. Damn!! (Daniel jk jk) He called me his girlfriend!!

Well.. Jacob I'm single.. I don't have a boyfriend..

I saw Mark start to get really happy after I said I didn't have a boyfriend.. Then... Jenna!

Well... Let's go babe! We don't need to be with this slut!! Mark?? Hello?? Earth to Mark??

What?! Mark yelled..

Let's go to my place!! Now!!

No!! I'm not I'm going to stay here with my friends you can go to your own house!!

Ouch! That hurt! *Jenna laughed*

After Jenna left I could see both Jacob n Mark calm down n they were happy again until..

Hey Emily you want to keep playing truth or dare? Says Emma..

Yeah! Sure why not!!

Okay! Truth or dare Emily? Says Jenna

Jenna I thought we told you to leave! Says Mark

It's fine she can stay! I say..

I pick dare Jenna!

I dare you to cut yourself! But only if you love Jacob n Mark!!

Okay?! But only because I love them!

~Mark's POV~
Lord!! She really does love us!! But I know Emily she won't end up cutting herself that's just not her! I think..

Emily? Your not going to do this right?

Yeah! I am..

Okay.. Don't cut to bad..

I just thought in my head well she won't do it hard because I told her not to.. But then she starts to get sad.. N I look over.. N Jacob is kissing JESSICA! His EX!!

Well.. Jenna I know you don't like me so I'll cut deep but only because of that!! *points to Jacob*

*Jenna laughs* See honey I told you he doesn't care for you!!

I look over at Jacob n he is making out with Jessica! I say..
Bro!! Jenna dared Emily to cut herself.. She said okay.. Then we she saw you she said she would cut deeper because of that n she pointed to you!

Oh.. Well it doesn't matter because I don't like her I like Jessica! Emily is just a slut!!

Wow! Now I'm a slut I knew i should of never trusted you!! *slits wrist* One for loving Mark one for Jessica one for Emma two for Jenna one for Hunter one for Brandon one for my mom one for my dad n ten for my Jacob!

Oh.. Well I hope you die bitch!!

I hope I die as well! *tears up*

I try to run to save Emily but something is holding me back?? Jenna??!!

Authors Note:
Hey guys I wrote this in the car on my way home from school this is a really good chapter i think I hope you guys enjoyed it sorry for the cliff hanger but I'm going to be writing more tonight because I'm just in that mood right know!! Love you guys your amazing!! Peace out trout or Peace out Girl Scout!! Stay strong!!!! ⬇️ Comment some ideas for the next chapters!!

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