A Cruise, Some Love, and a Secret

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A/N Okay this story has been floating around in my head for about 3 weeks. i just wanted to see if people liked it. i will still update not so normal the sequel.

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"Please, Please, Please. Let me win. I need this." I said into the phone. I had the phone clutched in my hands, on hold, with DJX.

They were having a contest, and the prize was a two week cruise.

"Helloooo, you are the 199th caller." I screeched and started to jump up and down in joy.

"You win a two week cruise to the Bahamas. And what is the name of our lucky winner."

"My name is Vanity."

"Well Vanity. You are one lucky girl."

"Hehe I know."

After that he hung up. I can't believe I won! I get to go tp the sunny Bahamas, and I get away from this wretched home.

Just as I thought this my father's drunken yelling could be heard all the way up in my room. He was yelling at my mom again, and if I'm lucky he won't come up here and take it out on me. My father had been abusing me for several years. It all started when he started drinking. When he would drink he would always yell at my mom and in turn she would leave. Then he would always take it out on me.

My mother started to yell, then I heard the door slam.

"Vanity!" My father's voice made me go to my door.

"Get your skinny ass down here now!" I heard him trudge up the steps. His steps were weary and slow.

I backed away from my door and stared at it. I was waiting for him to burst through the door.

The knob turned and he flung my door open. "You lit-little bi-bitch look what yo-ou did!

He shouted at me, then took a swig out of the bottle in his hand.

"I didn't do anything." I muttered.

"Wha-at was that?"


"It better have been nothing." He tried taking another swig of the beer, but when he noticed it was empty he threw it at me. I pulled my arms up tp cover my face.

I felt the bottle hit my arms and break. Some tiny pieces of the glass stuck in my arms, when the rest fell to the floor.

"This is what you get for all the trouble you caused." I pulled my arms down just in time to see his fist coming at my face. His punch was slower because of the alcohol and I was glad for that. But the punch still hurt. I fell back on the floor.

"You always ruin things." He yelled as he kicked me repeatedly in the stomach.

I felt blood drip down my face from my nose. I prayed for him to stop. that was all I wanted, I just wanted the pain to stop.

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