You Meet Again

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"Good morning (y/n)," your boss said as you walked into your office.

"Morning sir," you said as you tucked a curl if hair behind your ear.

"(Y/n), we have a new guy from our other office, who is going to start working at this branch. You two will basically be doing the same thing so could you show him around and such?" he asked. You nodded.

"Of course," you smiled.

"Great his office is right next door," your boss said as he walked out. You sighed and set your bag on your desk and your blazer on the coat rack. This left you in a grey pencil skirt and a white blouse. The clicking of your heels sounded as you walked over to your associate's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in," a familiar voice said. You walked in and saw the band member you were dressed as last week.

"Hey you're the drummer from the other night," you said as you sat in the corner of his desk

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"Hey you're the drummer from the other night," you said as you sat in the corner of his desk.

"Hey the fan girl," he chuckled as he rolled up his sleeves. You rolled your eyes and looked at him.

"I thought your band was your job," you said as you picked up a drum stick from his desk and twirled it.

"It is, but if doesn't pay as well as you think," he said.

"Well then someone is snippy today. I'm next door if you have any questions," you said as you started walking to the door, still twirling the stick.

"Hey what's your name?" he called.

"(Y/n)," you said as you looked over at him and pushed your glasses up your nose.

"Rom," he replied.

You were paying a visit to the local book store in search of the newest book in your favorite series. You prowled the rows of books until you saw it. You reached for it, but you were too short and couldn't reach.

"Here you are," a male voice said as he got the book down for you.

"Thank you... Yabia?" you asked as you looked up at him.

"Hello. I saw you struggling for the novel, hence I thought I'd help you," he said with a light blush and pushed his glasses up.

"Well thank you for that. I was going to head I the café and read it some. Would you care to join me?" you asked him. He nodded with a heavier blush.

You were heading back to your dorm after a long night. You opened for some new guy group and ended up singing with them for the whole concert.

"If it isn't the new girl," you heard Aion say as he came out of the dorm next to you. You let out a sigh and looked at him.

"Hey, I'd love to chat, but I had a long night," you whispered since your voice hurt. His hand fell from his face and looked at you in concern since you looked drained of every magical essence you had.

"Have you eaten? Go sit I'll bring you something," he commands. You were too tired too care so you just nodded and went to lay down. He quickly came back with some curry and water.

"You're lucky. A god like me wouldn't normally help anyone," he stated as he helped you to sit up.

"I'll remember that," you mumbled.

You were writing in the music room again today when someone burst through the door. Looking up you blushed and yelped while hugging your guitar closer to your person.

"You cattle!" they shouted. Ou shook your head and started packing up so you could get out of there.

"Are you not even going to respond?" Crow smirked as he lifted your head by the chin to look at him.

"Nope," you muttered as you pulled back and stood with your things. He grabbed your hand.

"I wanted to apologize for the other day. I saw you were uncomfortable I didn't mean to make it worse," he said softly not looking at you but his hand squeezing yours.

"It's fine," you blush as you look at him. Both of you looked at each other blushing lightly still hold hands.


You were packing up the stage with the others and took a small break and sat on the edge of the stage.

"(Y/n), you did great tonight go home early," your boss said.

"Thanks," you smile as you go to the break room and slip into your long sleeved gray sweater and grabbed your bag. You started towards the exit but a very sparkly man stepped in front of you.

"MY EYES!" you yelped as you turned and covered your eyes while fishing your sunglasses out.

"Sorry there kitten. I heard you sing earlier and wow," Shu☆Zo smiled. You blushed and rubbed he back of your neck.

"You heard that?" you stuttered.

"Yeah and it was amazing," he smiled.

"Look I would love to chat more, but I'm really hungry," you said.

"Great! The limo is waiting lets go to this new sushi place," he grinned and he wrapped an arm around your waist and ushered you trough fans to the limo.

After the whole fainting thing with your friend you had you day with Trichronika cut short so Kai slipped you some backstage passes to their next concert. So backstage you sat in their green room, playing one of the video games you brought while the concert played on the tv.

"Hey having fun?" Kai asked as he entered in the green room.

"I'm stuck on this level," you said as you say criss cross on the couch. Kai chuckled at how cute you looked with your hair in a messy bun and a concentrated look on your face.

"Ooo video games I wanna play," he chuckled as he pounced next to you and rested his head on your shoulder. You stayed concentrated and rested your head on his.

You just got to the dance studio when someone ran up to you.

"Hey are you free light right now?" Riku asked as he stopped in front of you.

"Um yeah I was just going to practice, what do you need?" you asked him as he took your hand and dragged you to where a class of people were.

"Hello class this is my dance partner for the class (y/n)," he said as he twirled you. You blushes lightly and set your stuff down.

"I owe you big for this," he whispered in your ear before he spoke to the class.

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