Chapter 3: Want me back ?!Why !?

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It was Sunday morning and I woke up to this huge hangover and that piece of rainbow( note the sarcasm) brought noise by inviting guest over IN THE MORNING LIKE THE WHAT THE FUCK. I can not sleep  in peace in this house anymore. So I took a quick shower threw on clothes and rushed downstairs.
I saw Grant with at least 4 business clients
"Hey, how did you sleep"
"Well, can I talk to you in your office"
"Sure, I be right back"
I went into the office tapping my foot on the wooden floor when he came in I whisper yelled to him
" what the fuck , I was sleeping so gooood until I heard noise DO YOU KNOW IT IS THE MORING"
"Yes I do, but this is important. So your sleep can wait. Or do you just want me in bed with you " he smirked pulling me close by the waist

"I am so glad we sleep in separate rooms, now let me go"
" bring you closer?, oh okay "
He kissed me on the lips smile and left.
I was mentally chocking him inside my head. I went back upstairs and locked the door , deciding to open the letter Colton gave me.
I open it carefully , the letter said.

Dear Kate,

I know that you said to send you letters in case of emergency for a plan, which I plan to do. But I need you to come back for 2 months or maybe longer to teach you new things even though that you are out best agent along with Colton. Since you two kind of get along you be working together. My plan was for you two to become married but we will see how that goes.

P.S there is good for free to convince you to come. Since you love food.

Headmaster, Sofia

You got be kidding me this more like a command then a request , plus I have to be with him isn't Grant enough trouble already.
" sweetie, Colton here to see you"
I went to last step and gesture him upstairs , Grant looked a little jealous. Hmm first thing for everything

" so I am guessing you read and open "
"Yeah, not like I have a choice . The worst part I have to be with you"

" come on I not that bad, we be leaving in the afternoon"

"Okay, whatever, I don't have time for you anymore anyways. See that door exit it then exit the main door and leave"
" And the bicth is back. Bye darling"
I rolled my eyes and started to pack

Late Afternoon
I finished packing made food for at least 1 month or so and left a note for Grant. Since he was at work
I loaded my stuff in my car I decide to bring my grey matte Porsche Cayenne. He said he will meet me there. Then He texted a shitless text

Sender: Colton Haynes
What if it turns into one of those WattPad stories you like to read.

I ignore him and started to drive. When I got there Sofia was holding a McDonald's bag.

"This is for you , training starts tmr and before I forget you and Colton are sharing and sleep on the same bed no argument . Bye now I going to see how my hubby training is going" she left with a smile

"I think I am the wrong place is this hotel or the League Of Assassins" I said with  sarcasm
Then a ninja metal star thing came flying at me.

" No I think you are the right place" he said in a teasing voice and laughing to himself

I walked into the hallway to find our names on the door. I found my room sorry, our room. Most people share a room or sleep alone. Anyways I walked into the room it was so beautiful until someone ruin the moment. I unpacked and tour the place then went to train with him. To see who would win. I was close to winning but I failed . Night came, I took a few pictures of the sky then went to bed , I blushed a little when Colton turned and hugged me  kissed my forehead and said good night.

Grant p.o.v
When I came home the house was quiet too quiet I went upstairs to see a note.
Dear Asshole,
I am going to be away on a business trip for 2 months or longer.
From Yours Truly,

Oh a business trip , I thought she left because of me. Well she be back soon, hopefully.
Please read the next chapter , explains the area of L.O.A house . With the same picture.

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