Chapter 9

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Sans extended his arm to reach for the door but was stopped by the grasp of Mettaton's cold hand. "What're you doing? I need to apologize to my brother." Sans said impatiently.
"Frisk, honey, go check on Papyrus. I need to have a talk with Sans." Mettaton ordered, Frisk nodded with a determined look on their face and headed out the door. "Now Sans, why is it that every time your brother even mentions my name you cringe in disgust. Huh? Why do you hate me?" Mettaton asked, crossing his arms. Sans rolled his eyes.
"I'm not going to talk to you about this." Sans said as he tried to leave, yet Mettaton held the door shut. Sighing, Sans made his way to the seat in front of Mettaton's desk and took a deep breath. "Look, Mettaton, I don't hate you. It's completely different from that." He said, trying to show how sincere he was. I truly didn't hate the robot, no, it was anything far from hate. What he actually hated, was how he was acting himself. He buried his skull into his hands. "God I'm such a horrible brother." He mumbled, then feeling the weight of a hand on his shoulder.
"Now what makes you think that?" Mettaton asked.
"The way I've been acting about this whole thing going on between you two. *sigh* It's just, I don't even know how to respond in a positive way." Sans sighed, looking to Mettaton.
"How do you feel about this all?" Mettaton asked, walking and sitting down in his office chair.
Sans shrugged. "I-I dunno Mettaton. It's just taken me by surprise with all that's happened. First, how he told me. Then you inviting us to a show. To top that off you kissed him. And finally, he nearly ripped Frisk's and my arms off dragging us here to plead you not to leave. It's just...*sigh* I guess it's that I'm afraid you'll take him away from me. I love my brother so much, and to see him fall in love worries me. It's like he'll completely forget about me because he's too busy loving you. I don't know." Sans said, voice cracking as tears began to swell in his eyes.
"Y-you really think that'll happen?" Papyrus asked, stepping towards Sans with guilty eyes. "Am I making you feel unloved?"
Sans' eyes widened as he quickly tried to wipe away the tears. "H-how long have you been standing there?" He asked, looking from Papyrus, to Frisk, and back to Papyrus.
"Long enough to know how you've felt about it all." Papyrus said, tears beginning to form in his own eyes. "Sans, I'm so sorry that I've made you feel this way. Please forgive me, please." His voice cracked as a few tears slipped from his eyes and down his face. Sans looked at him as tears formed in his eyes once again.
"I always will bro." He smiled as he jumped off of the chair and ran into Papyrus' arms. Sans buried his face in the torn scarf of his brother and sobbed tears of joy, chest moving up and down rapidly from his gasps and cries. "I love you so much Papyrus, and I'm so sorry for acting like a child." His voice was muffled as he gasped for air and dampened his brother's scarf with tears.
"Never apologize for that Sans, I love you too and you never forget it." Papyrus said as tears fell down his face and squeezed his brother tight. Mettaton smiled as he gave Frisk a side hug. Frisk giggled.
"Well boys, I'm glad you both made up. I have to get ready for the first day of shooting, and it's extremely late. I'll call you once we're halfway done. Goodbye you three." Mettaton said happily as he hugged Sans and Frisk, and gave Papyrus a kiss on his forehead.
As they walked out of the building, Mettaton waved to them all and blew kisses. They all waved back as Papyrus and Sans held Frisk's tiny palms and swung them back and forth as they walked.
"I love you guys." Sans said happily.
"We love you too." Papyrus replied, pulling them both into a hug.

Chapter 9 is complete! Short chapter, I just really wanted to finish up this little moment here. I got a bit emotional writing it, so I hoped you guys enjoyed the moment Papyrus and Sans had. It made my all warm and fuzzy.

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