Chapter 13

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Several hours had passed at Grillby's. Sans was sleeping on the counter and Frisk was doodling on a children's menu. Grillby watched Frisk draw, smiling through the hot flames that made his head. Little figures were created with Frisk's red and blue crayons, one tall figure who was red and another smaller one that was blue. Grillby saw what Frisk was drawing and handed them a purple crayon. The child smiled and drew another short figure in between, yet it was purple. Then, they grabbed the red crayon once more and drew a big, red heart around them all. Sans opened his eyes and looked to Frisk.
"hey kiddo." He said, his voice raspy yet happy. Frisk turned and waved to him, shoving the drawing into his face. Sans grabbed the paper and held it out in front of him, smiling at the drawing of him, Papyrus, and Frisk. Then, his head snapped up. "papyrus! we still don't know where he is!" Sans hopped off of the barstool and picked Frisk up off of theirs. Sans waved to Grillby, who sighed and knew to put the bill on his tab.

Sans and Frisk had headed home, considering that when they left Grillby's it had been midnight, and Frisk needed some sleep. The child yawned as Sans walked with them down the sidewalk. Their house came into view, and Sans smiled sleepily at the thought of finally going to bed. When they stepped onto the doorstep, Frisk reached under their mat and pulled out their key. Sans nodded sleepily and twisted the knob, pushing the door open and taking off his jacket.
"Welcome home brother!" Papyrus greeted them. Sans turned around, completely awake and shocked.
"pap, where were you?" Sans asked, relief hidden in his voice.
"What do you mean? Mettaton and I came here after our date. Our waiter made things very awkward, so we decided to leave and head here. I even showed him my robot figurines collection!" Papyrus explained, standing up and picking up Frisk. As he headed towards the steps, he told Sans that Mettaton went home. Sans stood in disbelief.
Once Papyrus entered Frisk's room and Sans knew it was clear, he facepalmed and groaned. "ughhh. how could I have been so stupid to not check our own home?!" Then, Papyrus came back down the steps, humming the theme of Mettaton's show. "woah woah woah, wait. if you guys came here after the date, why didn't you answer my call?" Sans asked.
"Well Sans, my phone had died on our way home so when I got here I couldn't use it until it had powered on again. Unfortunately, that didn't happen until after Mettaton left." Papyrus explained. Sans couldn't think of any response besides another groan and he headed off to the steps. "Going to sleep so soon Sans?" Papyrus questioned as he began folding clean laundry. Sans nodded and waved to Papyrus without saying another word. With the slight click of the door locking, Sans left the room and it was just Papyrus. Cautiously, he looked around the house and then stood up and headed for the phone as he walked on his tip toes. Dialing a number on his cell phone, he held it to his skull and waited for a response.
"Hello?" A faint robotic whisper came from the other side.
"Mettaton, Sans just went to bed and Frisk is already sound asleep. Ready?" Papyrus asked, always checking every corner of the room after speaking.
"Oh, yes! I'll be there soon, get on you're suit." Mettaton ordered and hung up immediately. Papyrus gasped and ran (on his tip toes) up the steps and into his room. As he stepped inside, he turned and faced the outside of the door. Looking both ways, he looked for any eyes watching. Then he closed the door slowly.

But what he didn't know, was that a certain pair had seen.

Chapter 13 is done! Hope you all enjoyed, it was a bit shorter than usual but I have a big part coming soon... *evil laugh*

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