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Straub's POV:
So, Graser's crush on Stacy is pretty obvious to everyone except her so we all felt really awkward when Stacy revealed that Nathan the Builder was here. Anyone who watched Bookcraft knew that something was going on and since Graser watched all of Stacy's series, he noticed it too. Also, since it was Dylan's favorite Minecraft series of Stacy's, he told us that,now we would feel very uncomfortable whenever Graser filmed with him. I posted a video with him. It also was awkward whenever Graser would invite someone to film with him and Nathan was there. Like H, Tofuu, Poke, Rusher, and Devon felt when they were filming that one video this Graser and he had invited Nathan. Luckily, I haven't had to deal with it yet.

The first day of Vidcon, we all just hung out until Stacy and Joey left to meet up with their other friends, Lizzie and Tiffany. Thankfully, Nathan, Jaspanda, and PDawgWoolf went with them so we wouldn't have the awkward ara around Nathan and Graser. "Well, at least I know who Nathan is now" Rusher stated when the topic of the build team came up. "Did you really think that he was me?" NoBoom asked, referring to the Copycat video. "Yes, I did" Rusher answered like it was nothing. "Well, I didn't know any of those people" I commented. "To make you feel better' none of us know PDawg and Jaspanda" Graser said. "What's their channel?" Bee asked. "Walscharts Build Team, I think they have like 10K or something like that... Probably more" Dylan answered. Then we ordered lunch.

Stacy's POV:
All during Vidcon, Nathan and I couldn't get alone long enough to shoot the announcing part of my Vidcon vlog. Whenever we did, someone would interrupt us while one of us was going to say it."This is getting ridiculous" I said to Nathan when some of the Cube members left for a panel and others went to a meetup. "I know, could we film it now?" he asked, whispering so Lizzie and Tiff couldn't hear. "Ya, but... Can I tell the girls that we're together? They'd be so upset to find out that I hid this from them" I said, he nodded and I rushed to my colorful-haired best friends, telling Joey that I had to talk to them in private. He immediately knew what was going on and led Red and Joel away from them. "What did you want to tell us?" Tiffany asked. "Um... can we talk somewhere not so... Public?" I asked, they agreed and we walked to the girls bathroom, making sure no one else was in there. "Is this a secret or somethin'?" Lizzie asked with her British accent. "Actually, it is... So..." I started, not knowing what to say. "Um.. I wanted to tell you guys that I have a..." I trailed off, but they already knew what I was going to say. "BOYFRIEND?!" They screamed in unison. "Yes, now not so loud! It's not public yet" I scolded and they got quiet. "Since when?" Tiff asked. "A couple months" I mumbled and their eyes looked like they would fall out at any moment. "Why didn't you tell us?" Lizzie asked. "Only Joey and a few other people know" I said, hoping they weren't mad. "Oh, I guess since it was a secret... It's fine" my British friend stated. "Ya, we understand... are we allowed to ask who it is?" Tiff asked. I rolled my eyes abd said, "yes, you know the 3 guys that Joey and I brought?" I asked, they only nodded. "The tall one, Nathan-" I was cut off by Lizzie. "Isn't he in Bookcraft?" she asked. "Ya, and the other 2 are Jaspanda and PDawg. They're also on the build team" I said. "So, you're dating Nathan?" Tiff stated more then asked. "Uh huh." They squealed. "Yaaay" my purple haired friend cheered. "Stacy has a boyfriend " Lizzie sang.

Bee's POV:
While the Cube guys and I were walking back to Stacy's hotel rooms, we heard 2 voices yell, "BOYFRIEND?!" What was that? They ignored it but I wanted to know what it was. "I'll catch up with you" I said and they continued walking. I walked to the source of the voice which was the girls' bathroom. I opened the door slightly to hear someone squeal and a British accent say, "Stacy has a boyfriend" and Stacy's groan in annoyance. She has a boyfriend? How is Graser going to react to this? Why hasn't she told her fans or any of us? These questions circled around my head as I hurried to her hotel room to see Mitchell waiting for me. "You okay? You look like you saw a ghost" he told me. "I'm fine" I lied. I wasn't fine. Graser was my friend and he liked Stacy so much! How is he going to feel when he finds out that she likes someone else. I just put on a straight face and walked past Mitchell to enter the hotel room, we're all hanging out there for some reason. Not sure why. We entered the room and I spotted Graser talking to Brayden. Nathan chatting to Devon, I guess I shouldn't worry about Nathan's possible feelings for Stacy but I did and felt bad for both of them. Everyone knew that Devon liked Stacy when she was on the Cube. But he's over it so I dont feel bad for him. Poor Graser, but I'm happy for Stacy! She's happy with someone and Graser should understand that. I hope.

I had to add the mention of the sunken ship called Stevon. I used to ship it but then that drama happened and I jumped off. If anything seems different, it's because I'm using my new phone and I'm still trying to get used to it. Anyways, B-Byyyyyeeee

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