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Bee's POV:
Mark, Rusher, Mitchell, and I walked to PDawgWoolf, Jaspanda, and Nathan Oneday's hotel room to help Graser. Dfield knocked on the door, PDawg answered and looked confused that we were outside of their hotel room. "Uh... Hello?" he greeted,  we just walked in, which was rude but we were here for a reason. "Nathan" Mitchell called as we entered their living/ bedroom. We saw him sitting on one if the 3 beds and Jaspanda sitting at a desk. "Yeeesss?" he asked and his 2 friends looked at him as if to ask, "What did you do?" "We need you to talk to Graser" Mark said. "We barely know him" PDawg stated, leaning against a wall. "... That's true but we need Nathan to talk to Graser about something" I told them, well aware how pointless this entire thing was. Stacy had a boyfriend, Nathan shouldn't be dragged into this mess. Getting Nathan to tell Graser that there was nothing going on between him and Stacy couldn't end well. Graser could ask her out and their friendship would be ruined. "What about?" Nathan asked. "Stacy" we all answered in union, it wasn't planned, it just happened. Once we said her name, all 3 guys froze. Did they know about Stacy's boyfriend? "Is there a reason?" PDawg asked, Jaspanda was being completely quiet. "All you have to do is tell him that nothing is going on between you and Stacy" Rusher said, PDawg and Jaspanda exchanged nervous looks. "Why? Does he lo-like her?" Nathan asked and I could've swore I saw and heard some jealousy in his eyes and voice. "Ya, now can yo-" Mitchell began but was cut off by Nathan who stood up off the bed and yelled, "I TOLD YOU!" while pointing at PDawg and Jaspanda. "We were hoping you were wrong" Jaspanda said. "That makes 3 of us" Nathan replied, leaning against the opposite wall. "Huh? Is there a reason you don't want Graser and Stacy together?"  Brayden asked, crossing his arms. "Yes" the builders answered, not together but they still all said it. "A very big reason" Nathan added quietly. They obviously know something... Stacy's boyfriend! I need to ask them when no one else is around.

Straub's POV:
Do they not want Stacy to be happy? Or do one of them like Stacy or maybe know something about her love life that we don't? "If you're her friends, wouldn't you want her to be happy?" Dfield asked, crossing his arms like Rusher. After he asked that, PDawg and Jaspanda's eyes darted to Nathan, who looked like we just insulted him. "I want nothing more then for Stacy to be happy.... We care a lot about her happiness, probably more then you" he said, looking like he wanted to punch us. "Really? And how long have you known Stacy? A year? We've known her for over 2 years" I shot back. "Haha... That's real funny because when was the last time you actually spoke to Stacy. Before Vidcon. I talk to her just about everyday" Nathan said with obvious sarcasm. "By the way, she probably doesn't know most of the Cube members that weren't in Season 1" PDawg pointed out. None of us could say anything. Everything they said was true. She may have left on good terms but that didn't mean we still talked to her regularly. She rarely talked to Bee, even with UHShe. Stacy did talk to Graser but that was for Mineclash and it was once a week. Nathan's the one that helps her with her series and any problems with mods. "Back to the subject before this" Rusher said, after we sat in a long, unconformablely angry silence. "We care more about Stacy's happiness then you" Nathan said, repeating what he had said earlier. "You more then us" PDawg pointed out. Wait, what? "Did you have to say that so loudly?" Nathan asked, glaring at his friend. "They were going to find out Monday anyways" Jaspanda said, confusing us even more. "What?" Bee finally asked. She hasn't talked much during this argument. "You'll find out Monday" Nathan responded before his phone rung. Jaspanda tossed it to him since it was on the desk he was sitting at. "Hey.... Not really, why?.... Ok.... Ya, cya soon.... Bye" and Nathan hung up. "I gotta go" he said, grabbing his jacket that he always wore and left the apartment. "Have fun!" PDawg yelled to him as the door shut. "Where's he going?" Bee asked. "Probably to meet up with Sta- his girlfriend" Jaspanda quietly answered. "He's going to kill you for saying that" PDawg said. "I didn't say her name" Jaspanda stated. How do I not know their names yet? "Well, Nathan's not going to tell Graser something that's none of his business.... So coming here was useless" PDawg said, which was nice for, 'Can you leave now?' We got the message and left.

How was that for drama?! I don't like it but for some reason, this was fun to write! Writing this in March and the first part isn't even up yet. Is it August when this is going up? Probably. Also, Sorry I didn't update yesterday. I wasn't really feeling the best and I forgot soo... Thanks for putting up with me! Anyways, B-Byyyyyeeee

"Hello Darkness my old friend"

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