Let Me Save You.

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I head upstairs and worry about Ryan.  Should I text him? Or maybe ring him.. that's a little more.. caring? I don't know. I'm still not even sure if he likes me, maybe he just felt kind of bad for what he did.

Ill ring him.

"Uh, hey Ryan. I just wanted to see if you were, uhhh, okay?"

"You seem unsure about that question."

"Yeah I just wanted to see if you were. You seemed a little sad before you left."


"Ry? You there?"

I hear breathing down the phone, but he's not talking. 


"Can't you shut up for ONE second?!" 

I widen my eyes in shock. What is going on with this kid, one minute he loves me and the next he fucking doesn't want anything to do with me.

It turns out I can't shut up for one second. "Ry, what's going on?"

"Ryan what was that? Don't ignore me! For fucks sake Ryan what the fuck is going over there?!"

He still doesn't answer me. I hear banging down the phone, then silence. I get scared.

"..Ryan?" I whisper. "Ryan, please answer me...?" Still nothing.

I cough down the phone.

"B, Bren, Brendon I'm fine. o, okay? Don't worry about me."

"You don't fucking sound okay! You sound scared to death, what's happened Ryan?!"

"Nothing. I'm fine"

"Ryan... Ryan you're crying..." I say this quietly. He's crying, and I can't do anything about it.

I hear him try and steady his breathing, it doesn't work. He's still crying, I'm sitting here listening to him whimpering, and not doing anything about it.

"Ry meet me somewhere, I need to see you."

"I.. I can't get out."

"What? Why?"

"I just fucking can't."

"Sneak out"


"That building place from earlier. If you're not there in 20 minutes, I'm finding out where you live. Don't think I won't." I smile, I don't think I've ever told anybody what to do like this. It feels good not being the kid for once.


He hangs up and I shake my head, jumping up to grab some gray hoodie. Not as good as my red one, but Ryan has that.

I head downstairs and go into the kitchen.

"Mom I'm just going to see Ryan, he took my hoodie by mistake."

"Okay Bren but don't be back late. And keep your phone on!"

"Yes Mom." I smile at her and turn away, walking to the front door. As I open it my dads standing there.

"Where are you going?"

"Out, Dad."

"With what friends?" He laughs and shakes his head. I smile sarcastically and shove past him, mumbling as I walk away, "Fuck you, fucking asshole." 

I turn the corner shaking my head. I'm angry now. I put my headphones in to calm myself down before I see Ryan, he's important right now, not me.

I walk past a little corner shop and can't resist getting something with the dollar in my pocket.

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