New School. New Friends?

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"MOM, I'll be fine." Why doesn't she listen? I said I'd be fine, so I will be. It's just a new school. A fresh start. Hey, I might even make some friends. I wonder what it's like to have friends.. Don't go there Brendon, don't kid yourself.

"I just want to make sure sweetie. Now, have you got everything?" Mom. I'm not 8.
"YES MOM. Just let me go, or ill be late." That wouldn't be good, would it.
"Are you sure you know the way? You don't want me to drop you off?" Are you serious? No way am I letting you embarrass me on my first day.
"Honestly, I'm fine. It's a 15 minute walk, if I don't leave now ill be late."
"Okay, Okay. Well have a good day, ill see you later!" I am walking away Mom, goodbye. Stop talking. "Love you sweetie!" I never heard that, I don't need to answer.

Where the fuck are my headphones? Ah, got them. Nothing like music to start the day.
I can see a few kids, around my age, walking on the other side of the street, but there's no way I'm going over. They might not even go to my school. Hey, there's somebody on his own.. I wonder if he's like me. No Brendon stop, he's meeting friends. Nobody's like you. Your'e a fucking loser.
Ah, school gates. Great. Headphones in pocket or bag? Pocket. Might need them.. for, y'know, an emergency.
Hey, there's that kid again. He's not meeting any friends yet. Brendon, they're indoors. Stop. Find your homeroom and get on with having no friends. Your'e not going to make any, and that's the truth.
I should probably stop thinking like that. No doubt it's not good for my mental health or whatever.

'Room 468'. Ah, fuck. Seriously, there isn't even some sort of map! Lucky I got here early. I'm hoping it's in this building.
OH FOR FUCKS SAKE. I've been walking around for 15 minutes trying to find this room, and I'm not even close. I'm at room 231. Seriously Brendon, your'e so fucking stupid. You can't even find your fucking homeroo..
"Oh, I, I, I'm so sorry!" Good going. You just knocked somebody over. Fucking claps for you.
"Uh, it's okay. Honest." Hey, it's that kid from earlier..
"Let me help you up.. here, grab my hand." Please, please don't slip.. just keep cool.
"Um, thanks." Oh no, he hates me already.
"Are you lost?" What the? He's talking, asking me a question.. Answer stupid!
"Ha, yeah. I'm new here. There's only 5 minutes until school starts and I'm nowhere near where I'm supposed to be." Wow, you formed a sentence. Be Proud. Smile. No no, not like that! You look like a fucking idiot. That was a smirk. OH WOW.
"Oh, right. Well I'm Ryan, where are you supposed to be?" He told me his name.. Ryan. Ryanwiththeprettybrowneyesandamazinghair. What?
"I'm Brendon. Uh, rooooom..." find your planner idiot. "468. Room 468." Well done.
"Me too! Cool name by the way. Follow me." 'Cool name' oh.. Thank you, you've got the cutest fucking smile I've ever seen.

"Here we are, room 468! It was nice to meet you, Brendon." Finally. And, stop doing that smile, it's gonna kill me.
"Oh, thank you! You too Ryan." Now, smile. A little smile this time, freak.

Oh okay, you just open the door and walk straight in. Yeah, you sit with your friends. Yes, there is a seat next to you, but no. You clearly don't want to sit with me. It's okay, nobody does.
Just go and sit at the back Brendon. Put your headphones in. Nobody cares about you. Nobody wants to be friends with you. Deal with it.

About 10 minutes go by, and finally, a teacher walks in. She seems nice. Tall, long brown hair, skinny. Smiley. That's always nice I suppose.

"Good Morning! Settle down please, that includes you, Peter Wentz." What a cool name. 'Wentz'.
"Now class, we've got a new boy. I'd like you all to be kind and if he needs help, help him." Oh no, everybody's looking at me. Just smile and look away. Yep, that was... casual. "That also includes you, Peter." That Peter seems like a bit of a dick now. What the? Why the fuck was Ryan staring at me still? I just turned to look at Pete and, he was just turned round staring. What the fuck. He's planning where to hit me first. Obviously. He doesn't like you Brendon. He doesn't want to be your friend.

"Right, homerooms over. First lesson everybody. Who's going to show Brendon to his classroom? Ill need to write a note for your teacher, explaining why your'e late." Somebody put their hand up, please. Just offer. Anybody?
"Ah, Ryan. Thank you. Here's a note." Oh. Ryan. Shit. He's gonna hit me. I know it. Great.

"Uh, thanks for offering to take me. But you don't have too. Ill find it, I'm sure." Man, this hallways empty. What a perfect place to kick somebody.
"It's cool. I've got Maths so I wanna be late." He looks shocked.. what did I do? "But uh, it's not just that. I mean, I do wanna walk with you!" Why is HE nervous? Oh, he's smiling again. Am I blushing? Fuck I'm blushing. Why the fuck am I blushing?
"Oh uh, okay thanks. I've got History.. roooooom..." Stop putting your planner at the bottom of your bag! "Room 365."
"Okay, that's this way. Follow me." Stop fucking smiling like that, Ryanwiththeprettybrowneyesandamazinghair.

Well that was a long, silent walk to this room. How fucking awkward.
"Here ya go. Nice walking with ya." Oh he hates me.
"Uh yeah, thank you. Hey um, do you know where room... 624 is? I've got music there next." He's just gonna say no.
"I have music next too, and that room! Ill leave my lesson 5 minutes early and come and get you from here. Just wait right here, okay?" Seriously, if you don't stop smiling like that my tongue will be down your throat in the next 5 seconds. What?
"Oh, great! Thanks so much Ryan." Now, smile.. sweetly. That was, perfect?
"Cool. See ya then Brendon." It's lucky you walked away, or my lips would've just collided onto yours rather quickly.

Ryanwiththeprettybrowneyesandamazinghair. No Brendon. Stop thinking he's your friend.
'Friend' and 'Friendly' are two different things.

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Eeee first chapter! c:
please tell me if it's bad, or if you want anything to happen or something. Oh and, is this long enough? Too long? Too short? Let me know! :)
SO YEAH. im looking to update once or twice a week, I have no idea how long this is gonna be, but I feel it's long-long-long! This story is on my mibba too, so if you see it on there and think I'm copying, I'm not! That's me!

But yeah. PLEASE tell me what you think! Thank you c:

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