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Surprise mofos!

That gorgeous creature above tho......


Peter walked through the door of his house, immediately slinging his bag to the floor in search of his dad.

"Dad?" He called out.

"I'm upstairs!" Tony called back. Peter jogged up the many stairs and followed his dad's voice into the upstairs living room.

They had a fairly large house and Peter, being the only child, considered the upstairs living room as his hang out room. All his gaming systems and favorite movies were in there.

"Dad, what are you doing up here?" Peter asked, seeing his dad relaxing in his favorite beanbag chair and watching TV.

"I see why you like it up here so much. It's very cozy," Tony smiled.

Peter mentally rolled his eyes, he'd never really roll his eyes at his dad, before taking a seat in the beanbag next to him.

"Can I go to a party with Harry tonight?" Peter asked monotonously.

"Don't sound so excited," Tony laughed.

"Harry really wanted to go," Peter replied. "I'll just be sitting there bored the entire time."

"How is Harry?"

"Still in love with me," Peter sighed.

Tony smiled and patted his son's back. "It'll be okay. It's good that you stayed his friend."

"I mean we've been friends forever," Peter shrugged. "So can I go?"

"Sure, you need a ride?"

"No, Harry's brother is dropping us off."

Tony looked over at Peter with his lips pursed and his eyebrow raised.

"You know I don't like that kid," Tony said knowingly.

"He's just dropping us off and picking up," Peter shrugged. He knew full well why his dad wasn't a fan of the second Osborn brother.

"What time will you be home?"

"I don't know. Sometime tomorrow?"

Tony sighed, "Fine, but if anything isn't right, you call. Okay?"

"Yep, got it." Peter replied in a bored tone, before getting up to leave to walk to Harry's house.


Peter knocked on the door twice before backing up and waiting. When the door was swung open, a joyful lady stood there with a contagious smile.

"Peter!" She squealed, pulling him in for a hug.

"Hi, Ms. Osborn," Peter smiled. He loved Harry's mom. She was the nicest lady he'd ever met.

"Harry's in the kitchen waiting for Ben to get downstairs, but come on in."

Peter smiled graciously and followed her into the kitchen where Harry was drinking a bottle of water.

"Peter!" Harry's response to his presence being the same as his mother's. Harry threw his arms around him in a sloppy hug which Peter only half returned.

"Hey, Fag 1 and Fag 2," an older kid snickered walking by the kitchen to get his keys from the key rack.

Harry pulled away from Peter and glared at his older brother. Peter just rolled his eyes. This was what his dad was talking about.

"I will not have you using that type of language in my house, Benjamin," his mom scolded, making Peter almost laugh out loud.

Ben just laughed. "What? You can't tell me that wasn't a good one."

"It wasn't. Now, go. If you don't get Peter and Harry back safely, you'll never set foot in this house again," she warned.

Peter grinned as Ben scowled, "Let's go."


"Are parties usually this loud?" Peter practically yelled over the music. Harry just laughed and nodded as they continued to push through the crowd.

They finally made it to the less crowded kitchen and Peter felt like he could breathe again.

"I do not like this," he practically wheezed.

Harry's smile dropped. "Are you leaving? We just got here, please don't leave."

Peter groaned inwardly. He may not like Harry romantically, but it still killed him to hear him beg. He was all Harry had in terms of friends.

"Not right now. Maybe I'll call my dad to pick me up early though," Peter responded.

"So, we still have time?" Harry asked hopefully.

"We came here to party didn't we? So, let's party," Peter replied, faking an excited smile. Harry lit up and practically dragged Peter to the dance floor.

Peter wasn't concerned about Harry making a move on him. After all, that's what Harry does anyways. But tonight, they danced and jumped on the couches as crazy best friends.

Peter actually began having fun, but he was getting exhausted quick. He told Harry that he was going to get a drink before escaping back to the kitchen. He grimaced as he saw a couple making out on the countertops, the guys hand sliding up her skirt.

So, instead of going near them to reach a water out of the fridge, he opted for some red punch. It wasn't good at all, but Peter's dehydrated body still downed the whole cup. And then a second cup, and a third. Peter decided the taste got better the more you drank.

He pulled himself up on the countertop to sit because he felt as if the floor was spinning. He swung his feet back and forth childishly, watching the party play out from his spot.

People swayed back and forth, dancing, laughing and making out. Harry even came into view at one point, his giggly body twirling circles as people chanted for him to go faster until he fell on his butt. Peter giggled and hiccupped at that. Then, someone familiar came into view.

Wade Wilson.

He had a girl on each arm and he was laughing with one of their friends. The loud music vibrated into a dull buzz in Peter's ears as he watched the older boy.

His vision was blurring together as he watched Wade jump up and down to the music with everyone else. Then, his chocolate brown eyes finally met with the hazel eyes of Wade's.

Wade slowly stopped jumping as he stared at Peter. He cocked his head to the side and Peter just giggled and waved. Wade could instantly tell the first time party goer drank some of the punch by the red tint on his lips and his dopey behavior.

Wade pushed through the crowd, making it to the kitchen. He stumbled a few times, his own body going under the effect of all that he's drank so far. He's at the edge of being wasted.

"Peter?" Wade yelled over the loud music once he made his way to the kitchen.

"You looked really good out there!" Peter yelled back, placing a hand on Wade's shoulder with a smile.

Wade laughed, but it quickly turned to a giggle. "You always look good," he responded with a lopsided grin.

"I'm sorry I didn't give you a pencil today," Peter said randomly, a hiccup occurring at the end of the sentence.

"It's okay," Wade smiled, coming closer to Peter, "I just wanted to talk to you anyways."

"Well," Peter grinned, his head swaying slightly, "You're talking to me now."

"Baby, we can do more than talk," Wade grinned back. Peter just giggled leaning forward, his body sliding off the counter like a dead weight in Wade's arms.

"Let's go then," Peter giggled before booping his nose.



Only b/c Ily !


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