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Finally. Ik.


Peter just entered the last month of his pregnancy. He's back home and has been taking his daily amount of 'medicine' along with some well needed painkillers.

"I'm going to fail tenth grade," the teenager groaned dramatically from the couch.

Tony rolled his eyes and turned the TV down. "No one told you that you had to stay home. You could have went to school."

"But Dad," Peter groaned again, "I can hardly walk! Not to mention everyone would be making fun of me."

Tony sighed, "What time will Wade be home?"

Given the situation, Tony persuaded Steve to let Wade stay with them at least until the baby was born safely. And if secretly Peter and Wade were glad because they didn't have to sleep alone anymore, that was between them.

"He should be home around three," Peter replied.

"Okay, well just make sure he brings your school work because no son of mine will fail school," Tony said sternly. Peter just groaned again.


Wade did arrive at Peter's house around three and Steve was home from work around dinner time. The young couple could smell the delicious dinner being cooked from upstairs, but couldn't bring themselves out of their comfortable position to go eat.

"I'm still going to fail," Peter said, his voice muffled in Wade's shoulder.

They were laying against the headboard of Peter's bed. Wade held the pregnant boy on his lap and Peter's head was nuzzled into the crook of his neck.

"You literally just finished half of your make up work in one sitting. They'd be stupid not to let you pass," Wade spoke softly as he began stroking Peter's hair.

"I still missed a lot of days. Too many," Peter sounded sullen but he sighed in content at the feeling of Wade rubbing his fingers through his hair.

"I won't let them, and neither will your parents," Wade said matter-a-factly.

They were quiet after that, letting the soft buzz of the TV flood the room. Neither of them were actually watching the show.

"Peter?" Wade broke the comfortable silence.

"Hmm?" Peter hummed against Wade's collarbone.

"Are we boyfriends?"

Peter straightened up so he could see Wade's face. His lips were pressed in a thin line and his eyes hopefully. Peter bit his lip.

"I mean," Peter shrugged, "If you want to be."

"But do you want to be?" Wade asked seriously. "I don't want to force you into being with me just because we're having this baby together. If you think you'll be happier than someone else then I'll just- I'll just have to figure something-"

"Wade," Peter stopped him.

Wade, who had been looking straight ahead, turned to look at Peter now. Peter smiled softly and placed his small hand on Wade's cheek.

"I like you, and I want you to be in this baby's life. It'll still be hard because we're still young but- I want you with me."

A sigh of relief left Wade's lips and a smile grew on his face. Peter smiled back as he placed his forehead on Wade's.

"Thank you," Wade breathed against Peter's lips, "I don't know what I would've done if you would've said no."

Peter smiled softly and leaned in to peck Wade's lips. Wade felt on top of the world when Peter's lips met his. The two didn't kiss on the lips often, mostly because they didn't want to break the unspoken boundaries of their unexplained relationship.

But now, it was official. And Wade couldn't be happier knowing that Peter wanted to give them a shot.

Wade put his hand on Peter's neck gently and pulled him back in for another few pecks before pulling back.

"I'm already in too deep," Wade said, his deep voice barely above a whisper.


Peter woke up with a pain in his side. He could feel the breathing against his neck and the soft thud of a heartbeat from behind him that belonged to Wade.

He also felt the heavy object resting on his stomach that was Wade's hand. Peter smiled at the large hand that was sprawled out on his pregnant belly protectively.

His smile was quickly wiped from his face as he felt the pain in his stomach again. He stuck his hand behind him to grab Wade's arm.

"Wade," he whispered and shook his arm, "Wade, wake up."

Wade opened his eyes slowly before picking his head up off the pillow to look at Peter.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Wade's voice was concerned, but still thick with sleep.

Peter closed his eyes and breathed through his nose as the pain died down. Wade just propped himself up on one arm and watched the beautiful boy breathe slowly.

Then, Peter felt it.

"Oh my gosh," Peter breathed.

"What is it? Is the baby coming? I'll go get Tony-" Wade spoke entirely too fast. Peter only shook his head and rolled onto his back.

"Get over here," he smiled.

Wade rose a curious brow, but obeyed. He crawled back over to where Peter lay on the bed. Peter smiled and took Wade's hand and placed it on his stomach so he could feel it.

"She's kicking," Peter smiled ear to ear. Wade's eyes widened as he felt the small pressure of a kick against the side of Peter's baby bump.

"Hi, my little princess," Wade breathed in awe. He, too, had a large grin plastered on his face.

"You'll be with us soon," Peter added, "And no one is going to take you from us."

Wade nodded and rubbed his boyfriend's belly softly, "Daddy loves you, Princess."

Peter glanced up from his stomach to look at Wade. His chest felt warm as he saw nothing but love in Wade's eyes as he looked at Peter's belly.

"What do you want to name her?" Peter whispered, feeling like he was interrupting a father-daughter moment.

"What do you want to name her?" Wade flipped the question, tearing his gaze from Peter's stomach to look in his eyes.

"I don't know," Peter shrugged.

"We still have time to figure it out. I feel like it's going to come to me as soon as I see her face," Wade smiled.

"What about Kylie?" Peter asked.

"I like Katelyn," Wade said looking back down at Peter's belly.

Peter looked at Wade and smiled. He was happy Wade wanted to stay with him and raise there child. He hoped Wade would stay for a while because if he told himself the truth:

He was falling for the older boy.


Fluffy McFluff Fluff.

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