Chapter One

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Castiel threw the, somewhat dirty, dish rag over his shoulder after cleaning a shot glass. He scanned the crowd of drunks and newly turned twenty-one year olds. It was a typical Friday night. Packed and disfunctional.

"I need four shots of vodka," spoke a teenager, pulling Cas from his thoughts.

This kid looked barely nineteen as he wore a grey Panic! at the Disco shirt and black skinny jeans. Freshly shaven and acne dominating his face. The boy had green eyes and dirty blond hair and was accompanied by two equally as blonde girls. Obviously trying to impress them.

"I.D. please." The teen fidgeted around in his pocket for a second before pulling out a brown wallet and taking out his I.D. He then handed it to Cas who scanned it over.

"Dj Freddy? Born in nineteen seventy-four? Get a better fake I.D. next time," Castiel spoke, handing the card back to the blond.

"It's not a fake man."

"How old are you?" Cas spoke, knowing that post people who have a fake I.D. do not even know how old they would be.

The kid took a second of counting before blurting out "forty-one!"

"Wrong. You would be forty-two. Please leave so I can attend to the people here of legal age."

"Fuck you, man!"

Cas pursed his lips and smiled, knowing that he could lose his job if he didn't treat the customers with respect. Not that he really wanted this job anyway.

It was not until then that Cas spotted the usual.

Dean Winchester. He was passed out drunk on the bar. One hand on the just finished shot glass and another hanging over the edge. His blond hair was soaked with sweat from dancing too hard and from the heat of the room in general.

Just as Cas was about to turn away and continue his work, he noticed a few punks trying to take Dean's wallet.

"Hey, leave him alone," Castiel snapped. The adults shot their heads up and scattered off after they realized they had been caught. Cas shook his head at how immature even adults could be. He could understand having to snap at children (not that children would be in a bar) for that kind of behaviour, but at a fully grown adult? He just found it ridiculous.

"Cas, your shift is over. Can you take Dean home," his boss, Bobby, asked, "I normally do, but I have shit to do tonight."

Castiel peered at the passed out drunk and then back to Bobby, giving him a sour look. Cas did not know this man, nor how he would react if a total stranger took him home. Sure, Cas poured him a few beers, but that doesn't make them buddies.

"Please," Bobby sighed, tapping his fingers on the dirty bar.

Rolling his eyes, Cas gave a frustrated "yes" before getting Dean's address.


Cas had one of his co-workers, Ruby -a brown haired beauty that anyone would be happy to have as a wife-, help lug Dean into the old car that Cas has had since he first started driving.

They were now on their way to the location Bobby wrote on Cas' hand. Dean was resting in the front seat of the car, head against the window and mouth open, a little drool slipping out. Cas turned on the radio to drown out the silence. Mr. Brightside was playing on their local alternative rock station. Cas quietly sang along with the song.

"Mmm. Bobby, turn that shit off, it's too lo- who the fuck are you?" Dean asked, finally waking up. Eyes wide. He was visually still drunk, but seemed to be sobering off.

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