Ai to senso: Chapter 2

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I was way to embaresed to say anything i walked down the black rug and saw the fire haired boy from my class 'WELCOME to the black hill' i stood there and looked at him i turned around and headed for the door almost at the door a hot chill went down my back so i turned around and fire boy was right behind me with fire in his hands'WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME' he smerked ' i want you power in out evalustion.. you Saki-Chan' 'I dont know you that well for you to call me Saki-Chan' he smerked again then walked to the blood stained throne across the room 'well you see Ms.Kouri my family is the most powerfull riches and the best blood line there is and you see its rare to find a ice girl of your nature so we need the blood of the ice princess for the evalustion but if you dont ill take your blood by force and leave you non' i fell on my knee's and was shocked caouse he lookes like such a nice guy but he's a devil with an angle's face i started to shake i saw his shoes walk up he reached out his hand 'so will you Ms.Kouri' i grabed his hand stood up and blew my ice breath at him and he jumped back like a scared puppy i smerked 'sure but whats your name' he came to me grabed my hand 'Im Ryuu Mitsu the next heir to the throne of Kita Shin the world of the power gods' he smiled gracefully i blushed then took a step back 'ok lunch is over see you in class' i rushed out of there so fast i was runing down the staires and triped on my shoe lace as i was falling i was about hit the bottem of the stair case somone cought me put me down them huged me 'are you ok' my heart started to beat really fast i opened my eyes and i saw Ryuu i huged him 'Thank you so much' steping back he grabed me then hugged me longer then hesatated threw me at the wall and walked down the staires i slide down the wall my heart thumping me sweating and so confused, i walked to class and sat next down and started reading the lesson on the board i finished my work early so i asked the teacher to go to the office to call my mom he let me go so i called my mother 'mom i really need to talk to you when are you coming home from Kita Shin... i understand bye' i sat down in the office i barred my head in my lap and cryed and i tryed to be quiet so no one would notice me, after the bell rang i went to the bathroom to wash my face i look in my pocket for my cell phone and that piece of paper fell out i opened it 'oh yea this was from Ryuu' on my way to the classroom i noticed the door was open i peeked in i heard them talking about how to get my blood i fell forward in the classroom everyone looked at me 'uhh hi'.

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