Breaking Them Up :::2:::

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“Kyle!” I hiss a whisper. The secretary glances at us over her magazine but doesn’t speak a word. “Kyle!” finally the bastard heaves a sigh and his brown eyes focus on my face. It really bothers me how he always looks bored, as if life was somehow tedious.

“Is there something you’d like?” he asks, not even bothering to lower his voice.

“Yes. Two things actually. Come here”

His eyes rack me up and down “No.”

“Yes!” I wave from him to the chair next to me “It’s about Karen!” I whisper-yell.

He hesitates, a fish circling the bait. Then, his face set in such a way that he’s almost certain he’ll regret it, he gathers his binder and moves in the chair next to me. The secretary, indifferent to the rules she’s supposed to enforce, looks back down at her magazine.

“What about her?” he asks, voice a notch tighter then usual.

“I know how you can get her back” I grin

His lips twitches to a sarcastic smile “Do you now?”

“Yes, actually I do” I say defensively. “Me and you just have to team up. I’m guessing you dated Karen for a good amount of time if you care so much as to switch into her school like some kind of stalker, and I’ve known Seth for just about ever. Together we could convince them they’re all wrong for each other!”

He blinks at me slowly “You’re an idiot”

I gasp “What do you mean?! it’s brilliant!!”

The secretary shushed us, and Kyle repeated his sentence “You’re an idiot”

“Stop-” I cut off lowering my voice “Saying that. What’s wrong with my idea?”

“First of all” I felt like a child being lectured by my parent, the stern look on his face frighteningly scolding “It’s pathetic that it took you all night to come up with that. Second, if we selfishly break them up they’ll just end up hating us. And third, are you actually in grade eleven, because you’re shockingly juvenile”

I stare at him sulkily “So you’re not going to help”

He pauses “I didn’t say that. If you want to break them up as well, it’ll be nice to have something of a sidekick” he frowns “No matter how idiotic they are, to help. But your plan is far to obvious and I want to get back together with Karen, not ruin her love life”

Feeling completely brooding now, I say the only thing I can think of “I’m not a sidekick. I’m an equal partner”

“Last time I checked, an equal partner was equal at at least something. I’m smarter then you, better looking then you, and if you don’t recall, stronger then you. What makes you think you deserve the ranking as partner?” my eyes round. How come he had to be so constantly mean?!

An idea forms in my head “That’s the second thing I wanted”

He raises an eyebrow “Pardon?”

“I want a re-match! If I win, I get equal say in all plotting to ruin the relationship!” I declare.

His eyelids lower, looking extremely bored now “Are you some kind of S&M freak or something?”

My jaw drops “Fuck you!” the secretary gives me a warning look “Of course I’m not! I want a rematch because I’m positive I can win. Are you chicken?”

“Hardly. Fine, we’ll partake in your little rematch. When I win, you’ll do as I say.”

I smirk “You’re not going to win”

Breaking Them Up (BoyxBoy) (On Hold Forever)Where stories live. Discover now