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After Y/n left I wasn't in the state to think about anything. Absolutely nothing. I was tired from the stressful hours of work.

The side of my head kept throbbing. It hurts.

I rubbed the sides of my temples, collapsing the back of my head onto the bed.

Staring up at my white ceiling scenes of y/n tear brimmed face played again and again. Why am I even thinking about her?

Unconsciously my arms spread out, waiting for a familiar warmth to crash into my arms, but a lonely and ominous atmosphere just came back.

I'm a fool. How could I have been such an idiot?

Selfishly thinking of my own self. Only, thinking of myself not even thinking about her, about us. Its happening again..

I only realized the guilt was hovering over me like a heavy shadow. I drove away my precious person. Y/n...

Her warmth, her comfort, her everything... How could I just drive her away like this?

I regained my composure and set out to find y/n. I grabbed my phone and shoved it into my back jean pocket throwing a pullover my head.

Jolting out I ran through the neighborhood yelling her name, "Y/n! Y/n!"

Nothing answered back just an ominous silence. Moments later my phone started ringing.

The caller ID was, 'Y/n <3'

I let out a relieved sigh until, it wasn't y/n's voice that I was hearing it was a call from a hospital nurse, "Hello? Your number, Mr. Park Jimin, was on Miss. Y/n's speed dial. We are sorry to say Miss. Y/n was involved in an accident, there-"

I cut her off, "What Hospital is y/n in?!"

After I had gotten the hospital address from her, I caught a taxi to reach the hospital.

Making my way through the crowds of patients I reach the receptionist desk, "Excuse me! Where is Miss y/n?!"

The nurse noticed my frantic question, "Please calm down sir. Miss Y/n is in a critical condition right now. No visitors are allowed at this time."

My heart dropped, "When can I see her?"

"That I am not sure of right now. She's been through quite a heavy collision, much of her blood was lost...."

I could only hear my thoughts, the nurse's voice soon faded and I couldn't hear anything else except my own conscious.

I was the one who did this. I caused it all. If only it was me. Not her. Why did it have to be her?

If only...I had realized earlier. If only....I never even met her..she would have been okay.

Y/n please don't disappear. . .


2 Years Earlier

March 18, 2014

It was late spring and flowers were beginning to be in full bloom. Today was the day I made it official with y/n.

We were in our last year of high school until, I confessed and I had only been in an unrequited love relationship with y/n. And found that she liked me back too.

She never knew my feelings for her. And she never really looked at me, nor the other guys. She wasn't like any other girl either, she was such...

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