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What if you had died that night?

What if Jimin and you never got to really see each other again?


Author POV

She stepped on that road, that road of no return. Never turning back, to see that Park Jimin whom she loved so much.

She didn't want to think about it. Her happiness was gone, she was just going to live to die anyway, so why not die early?

Her body covered in blood, the pool soaking the cloth of her shirt, trailing it's way across the cement floor.

With her mind barely conscious she smiles cynically, thinking, 'It's about time.'

Her eyes were shut, and her breathing began to slow. But her thoughts were still alive, thinking of the memories with Jimin. The memories that were precious.

Even though her body was unconscious, a tear still trails down her red cheek.

'Why am I crying?'

Her thoughts continued to run through her barely conscious mind. When she finally saw the final scene. It was a beautiful scene.

A little girl and a little boy. It was snowing out, and the white of the snow glistens when it touched the girl's hair.

"Y/N you're pretty." The boy suddenly blurts out, making the girl startled. He blushes, and the girl switched from a bright red into an even more vibrant cherry red.

"Pabo.." Her already blazing cheeks turned into an even more heated crimson.

"Roses are red, violets are blue..." He began, already looking flushed, "I like you a lot but why don't you?"

The small girl's cheeks flared even brighter and when she opened her mouth to answer, though the scene vanished, and it was a new vision.

It was him. Park Jimin.

Standing tall and mighty, flashing you a smile, a smile filled with sheer happiness. With his hand outstretched to you, you felt warm with a sense of nostalgia.

You knew you had longed that touch. When he trails his hands along your waist, as he kissed you softly, making you feel loved, cherished. Reminiscing the times when he had cheekily smiled whenever he got the chance to surprise you with a kiss whenever he got home.

The feeling of his soft lips above yours, as it made you remember the times of youth. The youth that had held the most memories and beauty.

With that thought in mind you, already made your way towards that hand that could fit right into yours perfectly. Though, why was it getting farther and farther?

The closer you got, the farther Jimin was from you. That was until, you realized he was already taking hold of another girl's hand. Walking farther and farther away from where you were.

It shattered your heart, but you knew that you were gone, and Jimin would move on.

I want to say I love you once more before he's completely forgotten me.

Well what to do now?

You died.


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