IMAGINE: Tom choosing you over his girlfriend

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     You nervously stand in line at Comic Con waiting to see Tom Hiddleston, your all time favorite actor. You let out a shaky breath, butterflies dancing in your stomach.
     "Be cool, be cool, Y/N. You've got this." You breathe. As the person in front of you meets Tom and gets picture with him, you're almost tempted just to cop out and come back later. You clear your throat and straighten your shoulders, preparing to face this glorious moment head on.
     When the fan before you leaves, you walk up to Tom, your legs like jello. He smiles his killer smile at you and you feel actually feel weak kneed.
     "What's your name?" He asks.
     "Y-Y/N." You answer, grinning back at him, unable to help yourself.
     Tom takes your hand in his and shakes it. "That's such a lovely name. It's so great to meet you." He replies.
     "It's so wonderful to meet you too." You say.
     Tom and you turn to face the camera. He wraps his arm around your shoulders and you put your around his waist. Just as the cameraman is about to a take a picture, the camera blows out. Tom and you flinch as a loud snap fills the air and burning smell wisps past you.
     "Shoot." The cameraman mutters. He looks at Tom and you, frowning. "This camera totally just died on us. It'll take a few minutes to find a replacement." He says.
     Tom brushes his hand in the air. "That's fine, take your time." He says.
     "Everyone, there's going to be a little wait to get a picture with Tom. I won't be long." The cameraman announces to the fans, which makes a collective groan rise up. You smile, not believing your luck.
    "So, Y/N, how are you enjoying Comic Con?" Tom asks as you wait for the cameraman.
     "It's nice. Very hectic and chaotic, but I like it. How about you? Are your cheeks hurting from smiling so much?" You ask.
     Tom grins and his beautiful laugh rings yet. "Not yet, surprisingly. I have thirty more minutes of smiling so maybe by then they'll hurt." He answers. "Plus, I'm Skyping my girlfriend tonight so she'll expect me to smile as well." He adds.
     Your heart sinks and you nod, trying to keep the smile on your lips. "Yeah. Tough luck." You murmur.
     "How about you? What're you doing tonight?" Tom asks.
     "Going home and relive this whole day in my memory." You laugh.
     Tom grins. "Well, that's always a good thing to do. It keeps the memories of tonight alive." He says.
     "And I'd hate to have them die." You admit.
     Tom smiles at you and stares at you. You stare up at him, realizing his arm is still around you and your arm is still around him. A long, deep moment passes between Tom and you, when you take in a sharp breath and look away from him, smiling.
     Tom laughs softly. "Sorry about that." He mutters, pink tinting his cheeks.
     "It's all right." You say softly, blushing. A sudden clap makes Tom and you both jump.
     "Okay, we have a replacement camera." The camera man says. Tom and you step close to each other again and then the camera clicks.
     "It was so nice spending time with you, Y/N. I hope to see you again." Tom says as you both pull away.
     You look at him and can tell he genuinely means it. You smile. "I hope so too. It was nice meeting you, Tom." You say, starting to walk away.
     "Wait!" Tom exclaims. You look back at him. "I didn't get your last name." He says.
     "L/N." You answer.
     "Y/N L/N." He breathes, smiling. Your smile blooms into a grin and you walk off, fangirl mode jacking up.


     You sit in the emptying warehouse of Comic Con, waiting for the parking lot to get a little less crazy. You scroll through your Comic Con pictures on your phone and start posting them on your social media accounts. You sigh, smiling, thinking of Tom. Meeting him was the greatest experience in your whole entire life. You get up and start walking past the booths-
—which are being taken down—to get to the entrance, when you hear someone yell, "Y/N!"
     You stop and turn around. You see Tom running towards you. Your eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "Tom." You say incredulously when he stops in front of you. "What is it?" You ask.
     "I-I... um..." He sputters.
     "Hey, guys, I'm sorry, but the warehouse really needs to be cleared out." A security guard says to Tom and you.
     "Y/N, can I walk you to your car?" Tom asks quickly.
     Your heart skips a beat and you smile. "Sure." You reply. Tom takes your arm and ushers you out of the building.
     "Sometimes those guards can be really mean." He mutters to you.
     "Even celebrities?" You question.
     "Even celebrities." He answers, before looking out at the dark parking lot which is illuminated by lights. "Where is your car?" Tom asks. You point to the last lot.
    "All the way down there." You answer, before laughing. "Sorry." You grimace.
     Tom grins and shakes his head. "No, no, don't be. I'd rather take you than have you walk all the way down there by yourself." He says, as you both start the long walk toward your car. Once you're within a few feet of your car, you look at Tom.
     "Thank you so much for walking for with me, Tom. I appreciate it." You say.
     He smiles. "It's no problem. Hey, do you want to grab a quick bite to eat or something?" He asks.
     Your eyebrows shoot up and your eyes widen. "Um, um, sure." You reply.
      "Great!" Tom exclaims, smiling. "I'll run to my rental car and then we can go to a restaurant or something." He explains.
     You smile, your head beating double time. "Okay, wonderful." You say softly.


     Tom and you laugh as you exit a diner. "Oh, my goodness, too funny." You giggle, a hand on your stomach. Tom grins at you. "I really enjoyed tonight, Tom. I never thought I'd have dinner with a celebrity–especially you." You say, leaning against your car.
     He smiles sadly. "I don't want this night to end." He murmurs. "Will I ever see you again?" He asks, looking at you.
     "I hope so." You whisper. He turns to face you.
     "Please, Y/N, I have to." He whispers. Your eyebrows draw at the urgency in his voice. "Being with you... it's wonderful. You're so different than any other girl I've met." He says.
     "Tom, what are you saying?" You ask softly, searching his eyes.
     "I really, really like you. I-I want to be with you." He states. Your eyes widen.
     "You have a girlfriend." You remind him.
     "I don't love her, Y/N. I didn't feel the spark when I met her. But with you? I felt like sparks were flying everywhere. Are these feelings reciprocated?" He asks, holding your face gently in his hands, his eyes searching yours.
     "Of course they are, Tom." You whisper, smiling a little.
     "Then I will break up with my girlfriend to be with you." Tom states, before bringing your face closer to his and kissing you deeply. You smile and wrap your arms around his waist. Tom parts his lips from yours and rests his forehead against yours, his eyes closed.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!


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