IMAGINE: Thinking Tom loves you

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| IMAGINE for @Risinghero1 |

"Hey." You greet, smiling and hugging Tom, your best friend, before he sits across from you at the small coffee shop. You're in love with Tom. You have been ever since you met him.

"It's so good we're finally able to catch up. My schedule is just so crazy these days." Tom says, smiling at you. Your heart begins to pick up speed at his beautiful smile and you look away.

"I've missed you, Tom." You admit softly.

"Oh, Y/N, I've missed you too!" He exclaims, reaching over the table to pick up your hand. You slowly drag your eyes up to his, your heart feeling like it's about to tear out of your chest any minute.

Tom smiles at you and leans forward, his arms on the table. "So have you found a special someone?" He asks curiously.

You laugh softly and blush. "There's a certain man I have my eye on." You answer.

"Is that so?" Tom asks excitedly.

You nod, smiling. "Yeah, he's pretty amazing." You sigh, staring at him. You give your head a little shake and take a deep breath. "So, what about you? Have you found a special someone?" You question.

"I have actually." Tom replies softly.

Your eyebrows shoot up. "Really?" You ask suspiciously.

He nods and he stares right into your eyes. "Y/N... She's amazing. I've known her for a bit now and I can't help but like her." He whispers. Your heart drops as you think he's talking about you. "S-she's fun to be around and every second that I'm with her, it just feels right." Tom continues, giving your hand a squeeze.

"Do I know her?" You ask.

Tom laughs and nods. "Yeah, yeah, you know her." He answers. A grin splits across your lips. "I-I think I'm falling in love with her, Y/N." Tom admits.

You stifle a gasp. "Well, what's this lucky girl's name?" You ask.

Smiling, Tom takes a deep breath. "Taylor. Taylor Swift." He responds.

You wrench your hand from Tom's as if he's burned you. "What." You gasp in horror, the pain of heartbreak in your chest bringing tears to your eyes.

     Tom nods and shrugs. "Yeah, who would've thought?" He laughs. Tom notices your tears and his eyebrows draw. "Y/N, are you all right?" He asks softly.

     You blink rapidly. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." You lie, looking away from him.

     "Are you sure? You look really pale." He says.

     You sniff and paste on a smile, looking at him. "Nope, I'm good." You insist, nodding. "I, uh, I think I just have something in my eye. Will you excuse me for a minute?" You say. Not waiting for his answer, you hurry to the bathroom.

     Once you're in there, you break down weeping. "How could he?" You cry. You bury your face in your hands, choking on your sobs. After a long while of crying, you look up and stare at your red, tear streaked face. You sniff and wipe away the tears, sighing. You wash your face with cold water and then pat it dry. You fix yourself up and put an artificial smile on your lips.

     "You've got this, Y/N." You whisper.

     Suddenly out of nowhere, a toilet flushes and an elderly woman comes out of a stall. You stare at her in horror as she washes her hands. Your face burns red with embarrassment.

     "Whoever it is, honey, he's not worth it. Trust me." She says. She looks at you and smiles sympathetically. "I am sorry though. It's never easy." She tells you.

Tom Hiddleston ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now