"Knock, Knock," Liam, Finn's writer, knocked on the door of his trailer as he entered, "Finn Hudson?"
"Yep, Liam!" Finn beamed as he hopped over a ledge on onto a seat. "Any news on season 3?"
"Yes, actually," Liam sighed as he slipped into the seat across from Finn, "You aren't getting one."
Finn's jaw dropped. His face turned pale white. Cancelled?! "That doesn't make any sense!"
"You're show is doing horrible in ratings, you're being boycotted by seven different groups calling the show 'A Homosexual Love Fest' and saying it's doing nothing but causing wedgies to come back in popularity. Which, let me tell you, no one is a fan of," Liam explained with a shrug.
"So, what? Do we do a new show?" Finn asked, "I can do anything pretty much! We can start whenever."
"Oh, no, you're fired. I thought you understood that. Oh, sorry," Liam shrugged as he stood up, "I'm going over to some other channel to write. You need to clear your trailer out by the end of the day."
"Where am I supposed to go?" Finn asked, jumping to his feet.
It was a few days later that Finn returned to Lima Ohio. He found himself at the front of his old home, the one he hadn't been in since he'd graduated high school. He mentally prepared himself as he raised his arm. This was it. He had to tell his parents he was a failure. Closing his eyes, Finn let his hand bang on the door. He paused, holding his breath as he watched the door open in practically slow motion. The chain stopped it from opening all the way, but Finn could see Burt on the other side, peeping through. "Finn?" He said happily, before slamming the door. A second later he pulled the door completely open with a smile on his face. "I haven't seen you since Easter. What's happening?" Burt looked down and his smile faded as he noticed the bags by Finn's side. "Finn, what's going on?"
Finn took a deep breath before looking down, avoiding any eye contact with Burt. "My show got, um, I was cancelled." Finn said quietly.
"Did you say you were cancelled? But the season ended on a cliffhanger! Who revealed Finn's tighty whitey secret to the class?" Burt spoke up, with the hint of a grin.
"That's not the point," Finn said, not being able to keep a small laugh from being stifled. "I... I need to stay here until I get back on my feet."
"Of course," Burt nodded, "It'll be just like old times."
As Burt opened his arms, Finn did too. He and Burt embraced in a nice, soft hug. "Thanks so much. I hope it really is just like old times."
Finn gasped as he felt his tighty whities enter his cheeks and climb up his back. It was a feeling he had gotten used to, considering the ones he'd been getting on his show for a while. That didn't mean the once B-List star wasn't embarrassed as his own father sent his ass reeling right on their front porch. "Burt!" Finn whined, his hands clinging to the back waistband of his jeans. Finn yelped again as his father brought the undies to his shoulders and let them snap back down.
"Just like old times."
The next morning, Finn found himself standing in the old line at the Lima Bean. After a fifteen minute wait he was happy to know that something hadn't changed and Monday mornings were still packed. He turned over to the row of tables, a few still empty since most of the customers were headed off to work or school. He took a few steps towards the first empty table he saw. "Finn?" He heard from behind him, "Is that you?"
Finn turned around, feeling shocked as he made eye contact with Blaine Anderson. His face lit up as he set his coffee at the table. He hadn't spoke much to Blaine, Sam or Puck since he went to Hollywood. He was constantly busy and every chance he got to talk, so were they. They kind of grew apart. "Blaine? Why are you here? What happened to NYADA? New York?"