~Chapter 2~

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Without a single thought rushing through my brain, I run to my closet and start stuffing my school back pack with all of my clothes. Ranging from jeans, to sweatpants, to shirts, bras and underwear, tank tops, ect.. I then grab my sister who is in hard streaming tears and whines and take jerk her into the closet.

"Sam.. Look at me," I stare into her big brown eyes as she stares back into mine.
"Don't... Let yourself go.. Don't ever... No one else matters, Sam. Except you.. Yourself.. And You! I can't even express that enough. You are your own person. Just because mom and dad are your watchers for now.. You take care of your own life. Not theirs..
It's taken me a long time to realize I can't let them walk on me like that and.. I have to go away for a while.."
"Where are you going!?" She interrupts in sobs.
"Away, Samantha.. Just for a little bit, honey.. I'll be back.. I just need to get on my feet. Just.. Please. Stay strong for me, love bug." I kiss her on top of the head and hug her as tight as I possibly can..
I stand up and get out of the closet grabbing my backpack and walking out of my room for the last time. I don't flench when I hear the curse words from my parents' mouth.. I embrace them. And take them in. I'm strong now. And I can take this..
I walk out of the back door and into the back part of the house, running down he ally, past all the other houses.. Once I get down the block aways, I finally hit the side walk still running. And I don't stop..

      Hours later I'm still running. Haven't slowed down. My thoughts are mainly consisting of "I need to find the police station, something, somewhere to take care of Sam. Something. Something to help.."  But I start getting a really horrible stomach ache..  
      My thighs, my knees and calves, are aching as I sprint down the left side of the highway. Busy 5:00 traffic, in 90° California, I run.. And I run.. I never wanna look back at that sucky dump I never ONCE called home..
        My body goes numb as I slightly feel myself fall into grass beside the road... I'm then fallen into a deep.. Dark.. Intense.. Sleep..

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