Chapter 15

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Arthur walked into the cafeteria in the outfit Alfred bought for him, he changed into it before his first period class. He walked over to his table, Alfred wasn't there yet, he didn't think too much of it since that was usually the case. He started to eat the tasteless fries, he pondered over what happened this morning. Alfred seemed just fine then he got all quiet and bolted away before Arthur could ask what he was doing.

He knows he shouldn't care this much but he couldn't stop thinking about it. He looked back up at the clock, Alfred still wasn't here yet, he let his gaze wander around the cafeteria. His eyes landed upon Alfred, he was sitting with his football buddies. Arthur was surprised at first but he rationalized with himself that Alfred has other friends who he is going to want to hang out with sometimes.

Arthur reached into his backpack and pulled out the bomber jacket, Arthur had washed and flat ironed it this morning and despite it being crammed in his backpack all day it was still unwrinkled. He stood up to take it to Alfred, he would just hand Alfred the jacket and leave so he wouldn't disrupt his friends.

He heard small chatter as he walked up, he couldn't hear much of the conversation until he was behind Alfred ready to give him his jacket.

"But seriously did you finally find out how Arthur is?" One of Alfred's fiends asked, it actually sounded more like a statement.

"Hehe, yeah, I guess he is part of the freaks for a reason," Alfred said.

Arthur stopped dead in his tracks, did Alfred really just say that? He knew people called him weird and a freak but he didn't think Alfred did. He thought of Alfred as a friend and friends don't say things like that about each other.

Arthur couldn't think of any way to handle this, how does he react, he couldn't think of anything but one thing to say. "You jackass!"

Alfred turned around abruptly, he looked Arthur up and down, he looked at the jacket and finally back up at Arthur's eyes, he looked like a confused puppy. Arthur was maybe hoping it was a joke but Alfred made no attempt to explain himself. Arthur couldn't help the building emotion, he wanted to cry but he wouldn't do it in front of Alfred.

He tried to calm down as much as he could he walked up and placed Alfred's jacket in his lap. "Bye."

With a turn of his heel Arthur tried to leave as fast as he could without running. Once he knew he was out of Alfred's field of sight, he ran, he was going into the direction of the science wing. He could feel hot tears start to build up in his eyes, he made a turn into the small bathroom and went right for the stall.

He let the tears finally fall down his face, his dad always told him men shouldn't cry but he couldn't help himself, he felt betrayed. Arthur was never good at making friends he was just too weird for everybody. When he was younger he got bullied as he got older the bullying decreased but he still knew about what people said behind his back.

He learned to live with it, why should he care about people's opinions. This was different however, he thought Alfred truly wanted to be his friend and he wanted to be Alfred's friends too.

His mind swam, what if it was all a sick prank and Alfred never really liked him. Arthur didn't want to think about it, yet it was the only thing he could think about. He heard the late bell ring

He left the stall and tried to cover up that he had been crying as much as he could. Meeting Alfred has made him late for a lot of classes, he would need to at least show up to this one so he wouldn't get a detention. He was walking out when someone ran straight into him, despite the impact Arthur didn't fall down.

"Watch where you're going," Arthur snapped, he still felt terrible and didn't want to interact with anybody.

"Arthur! Thank god I finally found you!"

Arthur then realized that the idiot he ran into was the biggest idiot of them all, Alfred. He stared at Alfred for a second before he dashed back into the stall he was in before. "I don't know why you were looking for me because I don't want to see you."

He heard Alfred walk up to the stall, he saw the tips of Alfred's shoes on the floor. "Arthur I'm sorry for what I said back there, it was a mistake."

"Mistake? I heard you blatantly call me a freak," Arthur started to get chocked up again. Why did he have to be such a crybaby?

He heard Alfred sigh. "Listen the guys were talking about you, I didn't want to deal with them so I just agreed to what they said."

"Some friend you are. You just let someone talk about me and agree with them," Arthur had finally started to cry again but tried to hide it. "I don't care if you don't want to be my friend, I know that you tried to get away from me this morning and avoided me at lunch. For the love of God, if you don't want to hang around me then don't come chasing after me. Just leave if you really don't like me!"

"Do you want the honest truth."

"No, I want you to lie straight through your teeth. Of course I want the truth."

"The truth is I think I might like you too much. I couldn't handle you liking Rebecca, I realize now that I handled it wrong. I am so sorry," Alfred opened the stall door. "Broken stall remember? Will you forgive me."

As much as Arthur told himself that he shouldn't forgive Alfred he had to. Alfred was too genuine for his own good. Alfred walked up to Arthur with his arms out, Arthur didn't want want to forgive Alfred completed so instead of saying yes or hugging him he just shook his head up and down.

Alfred pulled him in a warm embrace. Arthur wrapped his arms around Alfred, he was mad at himself for doing that but it just felt right. "I can't even stay mad at you for a whole hour, how pathetic can I be."

"I'm so sorry for making you cry," Alfred buried his face in Arthur's hair, much like what Arthur's mom did whenever he would hurt himself when he was younger. "I'll find a way to make you fall in love with me."

"What was that I couldn't hear you?"

Alfred let go, and smiled his big toothy smile at Arthur. "Gee, and you say I'm dense. It's nothing. Well we better get to class."

They both walked out of the bathroom. Their classes were in opposite directions so Arthur started on his way.

"Wait Arthur!"


"Did I tell you that you look sexy in that," Alfred winked and started running in the direction of his class.

"What?" Arthur thought for a second before he finally realized what Alfred just said. "What!?"

Hope you liked the chapter!

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