Chapter 21

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After the chat things seemed to become tense. Alfred was now staring at Arthur weirdly, like he was trying to convey a message through his eyes alone. For some odd reason Arthur felt like he should get the message but he just could not.

"Come on let's talk more. The website I read said that this was one of the best parts," Alfred said excitedly making Arthur smile at his childlike fascination.

"Again, that was a website directed for girls. What do we even have to talk about anyway," Arthur said tilting his head back to look from the muted tv to the low popcorn ceiling.

"Well we could ask questions we want to know about each other. You don't tell me a lot. So, what I want to know about you is how you started to dress like a girl in the first place," He tried to seem nonchalant but Arthur could tell he has been thinking about this for a while and couldn't wait another second without the answer.

"Way to start off small," Arthur said sarcastically, he gave a small sigh, he knew this would happen one day. "Well it's kind of funny, really. My parents had to travel a lot so they hired a babysitter for me. She was really nice and pretty, she liked to dress me up in her old clothes and put hair extensions and makeup on me. I started off not liking it since I was a boy and my dad always told me that boys shouldn't be feminine in any way. Then she would take me out dressed like that and people would compliment me, they said I was cute and joked that I would be a great model someday. I wasn't used to compliments, I'd never gotten any when I looked like my normal self. I started to count off the days when she would come back and dress me, because I just felt pretty I guess. I finally liked the way I looked and the clothes started to feel more comfortable and appealing. I asked if she could leave the clothes and she would so when she was away I could dress up all by myself. Now I'm rambling but yeah, I guess I like to wear girls clothes because it is more natural to me and," Arthur looked down trying to hide his face from the light blush from this embarrassing topic beginning to appear. "I feel pretty."

Arthur looked up expecting Alfred to be laughing at him for wanting to feel pretty but that wasn't what his eyes saw. Alfred was staring at him weird again. "But you're already pretty."

What the hell was up with Alfred. For the past month Alfred would call Arthur sexy or hot at random moments. Arthur shrugged it off as him being a jerk not really meaning that. Lately though he has been listening closer and it kind of seemed like Alfred meant it. That couldn't be the case though because, well, Alfred was Alfred, he was the picture perfect high schooler. There was no way he could call a guy 'sexy' or 'hot' and mean it especially to a guy like Arthur, right?

This was another time when Alfred said something like that and sounded like he meant it. This time the word was cute, for some reason Arthur always thought being called pretty was the best complement there was. So when Alfred called him cute and sounded like he meant it he became a bit flustered but then he remembered that this is Alfred were talking about, he was just joking around like he always does along with the other jocks at school who think it's funny to joke with people emotions."Yeah, yeah, whatever jackass. Now it's my turn to ask you a question," Arthur said it harshly but he got very annoyed when it came to the joke of appearance.

Alfred seemed put back a moment, like he didn't expect Arthur to say that. He quickly went back to his normal self though and smile big although for some reason it looked a little forced to Arthur. "Totally bro, ask away!"

Arthur looked around trying to think of a question when his eyes fell back on Alfred. He was wearing that bomber jacket again despite it being really warm in the house. "Why do you were that bomber jacket? When I washed it I noticed it was from World War II, how did you get it?"

"First off dude that was two questions and it's my grandad's. He fought in the war, he was one of the best fighter pilots, there used to be a lot of metals on this but my dad took them off before he gave it to me. Yeah it's past down in my family, my dad had it before me but gave it to me when he had to go to Europe to help train some newbies in the force. I'm gonna give it to my kid one day," Alfred seemed really happy but all Arthur could do was worry.

"Your dad is in Europe? How long has he been gone?"

"Wow this is your fourth question so far. Well if you want to get technical then yes he's still in Europe but he actually passed away. He got sick three months after arriving in Europe and he tried to get a ticket back home but they wouldn't allow a sick man on the plane and mom didn't have enough money to fly us to Europe so we didn't get to see him. But we talked to some distant relatives and they made sure he was buried in a good place. When I'm older I'm gonna become rich so me and mom can finally fly and say our final goodbyes. It's not as bad as you think, he just had this thing with his blood that ran in the family, it just finally coughs up with him and he just so happened to be away."

Arthur listened intently to every word. That sounded brutal, not being able to see your dad before he died and never knowing if he died peacefully. It was heart wrenching to think about but Alfred was still smiling even if you could tell that this topic was touchy for him. Arthur couldn't stop himself from asking even though it was very insensitive. "How can you still smile?"

"Gee Arthur your up to five questions. Well, it's easy, dad always told me that staying positive is the most important thing. Plus if I stopped smiling then so would my mom."

Arthur can never figure out Alfred. He had the mind of a child, how could someone who had so much tragedy in his life be one of the most positive people ever. Arthur was glad he had Alfred in his life, he seemed to balance out all the negativity Arthur saw every day.

"Okay since you asked me five questions I can either ask you four or ask you one big one. So, how do you feel about guys?"

A lot happened this chapter but I just felt like I should explain a few things. I hope everything doesn't seem all over the place but I had a hard time figuring out how I should lay this out.

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