Chapter 2 // The Savior

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"Wait!? This is Kris!? The guy who br-"

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"Wait!? This is Kris!? The guy who br-"

Tao covered Baekhyun's mouth with his hand before he could finish the sentence. Sadly, his friend had spoken at a surprisingly loud volume. Chanyeol and Kai looked extremely confused by the strange behavior, but Kris didn't seem to care.

"Wow it really is you! Do you remember us? We went to highschool together" Kris questioned the blond eagerly.

Zitao was still too stunned to form a proper sentence so he just nodded in response.

"You went to school with us?" Kai asked. He seemed even more confused than before.

"Yeah. He always hung out with Suho's crowd. You used to call him the wushu kid" Kris said, trying to remind his friend, but Kai still seemed clueless.

"Did you go to our school too?" Chanyeol suddenly asked Baekhyun.

Just then, Tao felt something wet slide against the palm of his hand. Realizing that Baekhyun had just licked the hand that was still covering his mouth, Tao pulled it back in disgust.

"No, I went to a private school" Baekhyun replied whilst wiping his lips of Tao's germs.

"That makes sense. I would have definitely recognized a face like yours" Chanyeol flirted.

Baekhyun grinned at the statement, "Obviously. It's not everyday you stumble upon someone as perfect as me."

While Chanyeol was busy laughing with Baekhyun, Kris stepped closer to Tao.

"You've changed a lot since I last saw you."

Tao was inwardly panicking at how close Kris was to him. "What do you mean?" Tao asked, surprised by how stable his voice sounded.

"Your haircolor is different and you seem more confident" Kris explained, all the while giving Tao an intense stare, "You look good."

Zitao felt his face heating up at the compliment, and he had to tear his eyes away from Kris's to hide the blush. He hated himself for it, but even after five years of resenting Kris, he still got all hot and bothered being around him.

"Thanks" he said quietly.

"So uh" Kris started nervously, "Do you maybe want to get out of here, with me."

Zitao's head snapped back to the man in shock.

Kris coughed awkwardly when he saw the amount of surprise on the younger's face. "Well, we did it that one other time, and you seemed to like it then. So I just thought that maybe you'd want to-."

"Have another one night stand with you?" Tao finished the sentence for him, his eyes narrowing into venomous slits.

"Basically, yeah" Kris shrugged.

Tao was furious. Obviously Kris had no idea that he never wanted the one night stand in the first place, and didn't want one now, but it still upset him. The fact that Kris thought that Tao was just ready on standby was insulting. At the same time, Tao was also a little pleased to hear that Kris still found him attractive enough to fuck, but he pushed that thought out of his head immediately.

Before Tao could flat out reject the older boy, Sehun unexpectedly appeared next to him.

"Actually, the three of us need to get going. Sorry to disappoint" the youngest answered for Tao.

Kris's face fell a little. "Oh okay. Well hopefully I see you again soon" he said to Tao with a hopeful glint in his eyes.

Tao tried to ignore the way his heart fluttered.

Sehun walked over to Baekhyun, who was chatting enthusiastically with Chanyeol, and grabbed his wrist, "We're leaving now."

"Why!? I'm not done talking yet!" Baekhyun asked with pout.

"We just are" Sehun replied sternly as he dragged Baekhyun away from his new friend.

"But I didn't even get his number!" he whined when the three of them exited the club.

Sehun continued to silently drag a loudly complaining Baekhyun to his car. Tao followed them with his eyes gazing at the sidewalk and his hands dug deep in his pockets. He kept replaying the meeting with Kris in his head, and he didn't know how to handle his mixed emotions. He didn't even know why he was having mixed emotions to begin with.

Once they were sitting in Sehun's car and on their way across town, Sehun finally broke the silence. "So that guy back there was Kris?"

"Yeah" Tao murmured.

"He was super sexy! I cannot believe you tapped that ass!" Baekhyun started to ramble, "I completely understand why you're still torn up about your past drama now. You'll probably never meet a more attractive man in your entire life! What were you two talking about anyway?"

"He wanted to have another fling with me" Zitao huffed.

"And you ruined it for both of us!?" Baekhyun accused Sehun harshly.

"Tao looked like he was about to rip the guy's head off. Believe me, ruining your night with the elf was worth it" Sehun said calmly.

"You were going to say no!?" Baekhyun asked in disbelief, before turning back to Sehun and hissing, "And Chanyeol is not an elf!"

Sehun snorted in disagreement.

"I would never do anything like that with the likes of Kris. It was devastating enough the first time. I don't want to relive that experience ever again" Tao explained firmly.

Baekhyun just rolled his eyes and then went on a rant about how great Chanyeol was.

After a while, they finally arrived at Tao's apartment building.

"Thanks for the ride" Tao said to the younger male.

"Kris would have been a much better ride I'm sure" Baekhyun muttered under his breath, but Tao still heard it.

He glared at Baekhyun before walking inside the building and taking the elevator to the third floor. He was relieved to be back home, and practically skipped to his place. He unlocked the door happily, but as soon as he opened it his mood dropped.

A pungent smell instantly took over Tao's senses and he covered his nose reflexively.

"Goddammit Lay" Tao cursed as he opened a window.

Zitao was happy that he was roommates with his good friend Lay, but it was a blessing and a curse. Lay had a habit of smoking pot. He didn't do it very often, mostly because Tao hated the smell of it, but he definitely smoked some tonight.

After a few hundred times of Tao begging him to stop, he had finally had the last straw. He was going to move out and hopefully get a roommate who wasn't always high.


Author Note: 

I'm sorry if this sucks...   

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