Chapter 9 // The Morning After

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Brown eyes slowly opened, resting groggily on the plain ceiling above. It resembled the ceiling in his old apartment, causing Tao to nearly forget he had ever moved. Something about his environment felt different though.

His mattress seemed firmer than normal and his pillow less fluffy.

He pushed himself into a sitting position and rubbed his tired eyes. He squinted at his surroundings in wonder. When he unpacked in his new room yesterday, he hadn't realized there was a large dresser with a flat screen TV hovering above it in the living space. It was weird that he would miss something so noticeable.

When Zitao went to move the sheet off of his body he discovered that they were an olive green color. He knew for a fact that his sheets were blue.

'What's going on he-' his thoughts were interrupted by a soft groan.

The blond nearly jumped out of his skin at the sudden noise. His widened eyes shot down to the large lump under the covers next to him. He felt stupid for not noticing someone or something was there until now.

He was frozen in his thoughts, wondering how he ended up sharing a bed with another person. He couldn't really remember much about last night. He knew he went out to eat with his friends and then ended up at Suho's place. Zitao vaguely recalled being on a subway train but that part was kind of fuzzy.

'Did I accidentally go into Kyungsoo's room? Am I sleeping next to that scary guy!?'

The mere thought would no doubt strike terror into the bravest of souls. A shiver ran down Tao's spine and he let his eyes travel down the expanse of the blanketed lump. On second thought, the lump was too large to belong to his small roommate.

Tao would have been relieved to know that he wasn't in bed with Kyungsoo, but there was only one other possibility and it wasn't any less horrifying.

A ghost had to be sleeping next to Tao. The blond knew enough about spirits to know that one was next to him now. He didn't know how a ghost could change the appearance of his bedroom, unless it was into interior design, but it was the only reasonable explanation.

Zitao gulped nervously as his trembling hand stretched toward the lump. He was terrified, but he needed to check if his suspicions were correct. If he was more awake, he would have already sprinted out of the apartment but he was still sleepy enough to make dumb decisions, unfortunately.

His fingers wrapped around the end of the covers and whipped them off of the other.

Tao let out a high pitched scream as he flinched backward, falling off of the bed painfully.

The other male shot up in the bed, panting heavily in his panic. His eyes met Tao's and a mixture of emotions appeared on his face.

"Did you just scream?" Kris asked.

"NO!" Tao shouted, too stunned to form a better answer than that.

"Then who did?"

"YOU DID" he fired back.

Kris stared blankly at Zitao for a long while, causing the blond to snap out of his nonsensical state of mind. He felt his face heat up when he thought back on his words.

'Why do I always act like an idiot when he's around?'

"Why am I here!?" Tao finally asked the question he was thinking from the start.

Kris smiled in a way that awakened the butterflies in Tao's stomach. "I ran into you in the subway last night. You fell asleep when we were talking. It was kind of cute."

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