Chapter 24

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3rd person POV

Raven and her friends were at the tea shoppe think how to find Cerise. Raven had told them about last night with Apple and how she found the letter and how Daring drank a potion forgetting his memories with Cerise and that king Charming was responsible for all this mess.

"What?! Dad was the reason why Daring got hit by the car!" Dexter shouted, slamming the table and standing up making almost all the customer in the tea shop look at their direction.

"Yes. And don't shout we don't want everyones attention." Raven said. Making her boyfriend to sit down.

"Well that explain his strange behavior this past three days." Darling said. "It would just be strange that he would just forget Cerise and just went with Apple without any explanation."

"But how do we break the potion that King Charming gave to Daring? It's not like there's no cure." Ramona questioned.

"I read at one of the books in the library, that there's a legend of a lake." Rosabella said." Its waters are said to have magical properties that can return something that was once lost." She explained.

"If Daring drank the water, he would have his memories back from this past few weeks?" Darling questiones

"Yup. books never lie." Rosy said.

"So where do we find this lake nostos?" Raven ask.

"Maybe Ali knows." Maddie said popping out of nowhere. "He did gave the map to Daring yesterday." She said taking a sip from her tea.

"Why would my brother need the map for?" Dexter said. "Speaking of Daring, where is he anyway. I haven't seen him all day. Hopper even said he wasn't at their dorm room when he woke up."

"Probably somewhere with his beloved mirrors." Ramona said.

"That would be true, but he left them at his dorm." Dexter said

"Probably he only need one for today." Ramona said. "It's not like he needs all of them."

"No he certainly left all 100 of them in his dorm room." Dexter said.

"That's strange Daring never leaves at least one of his mirrors." Darling said.

"Because there was this mysterious on his dream and told him and now his with...." Maddie said but was interrupted.

"Maddie don't tell them."

"Okie Dokie mister narrator." Maddie said looking up the ceiling.

"His with who, Maddie." Raven ask her mad friend.

"Sorry Raven. The narrator won't let me." Maddie inform her friend.

"So where do you guys think Cerise is." Ramona said worry that her sister might be hurt or even worse.

"How about you guys search the enchanted forest." Chris said. Who overheard their conversation.

"Where have you been this 2 weeks?" Rosy ask the son of Gaston

"Oh I was hunting with my dad." Chris said. "Its been awhile since with did some father and son bonding together."

"You know those animals you kill have a family you know." Rosy said stared angerly at her future villian.

"Oh don't fret rosy. For I didn't kill any animal soul." Chris said tilting her chin and pulling his face close to her. This made her blush. She pulled away from his face.

"So how would you know that Cerise might be in the enchanted." Rosy said not wanting to make eye contact with him.

"Oh where else would people hide it would be either the dark forest or the enchanted. People would think she would run to the dark forest but that would be to obvious. So I would try to look for her in the enchanted forest." Chris said with full of confident with his words.

"And how would you know this." Ramona said arching one of her brow

"Cause I am a tracker." He said walking up to her "And I think that pretty nose of yours might help you find her. So why didn't try it out in first place." He said poking her nose, Ramona tried to bite his finger but he move it away before she bite it off.

"Cause I don't feel like doing it and if I were you guys I would search the lake first. Oh look at the time I should better get going. Well goodbye." He said, then walking up to rosy then planted a kiss on rosy cheek. Making her blush. "And I hope to see you soon my fair maiden."

"How do we even find this lake?" Darling said.

"I told you Ali has a map." Maddie said.

"Well where is he?" Ramona said

"Right here." Alistair said placing the map at the table. "Maddie told me to bring the map of lake nostos. Here it is."

"Well what are we waiting for let's go find this lake so we could help Daring to bring his memories back." Maddie said to her friends then all of them left have left the tea house and went sreaching for lake nostos.


"I think were getting close." Dexter said looking at the map. "The lake is just up ahead."

"Wait." Ramona said stopping the group and listen to her surroundings. "I hear something. I think it's Cerise. And Daring? They're close by." Ramona said leading the group to area.

Cerise POV

I woke up at somewhere in the afternoon. My head still in Daring's shoulders. I look up at his sleeping face. I cupped my hands at his right cheek and kiss his left cheek. I think that made him awake.

"Well good morning red." He said before kissing my forehead.

"Good morning to you to your highness." I said,then I heard footprints coming our way. I got up and quickly put my hood back.

"What's wrong Cerise?" Daring ask.

"Someones coming." I said.

Then my sister's face pop up from the shadow.

"Cerise!" Ramona said.

"Ramona." I said, we both run at each other and we gave each other a hug a quick hug.

"Daring? What are you doing here?" Dexter said. "And what happen to your leg." He said pointing at his knee.

"It's okay bro. Just jump above the briar bushes and just got a scrarpe in me my knee." Daring said showing no sign of pain. "And I'm here for Cerise."

"But didn't you forget all of your memories?" Darling ask with a puzzled look.

"I did, but some mysterious voice said something to me in a dream, that I have to go to a lake and drink it's water." Daring said.

"I told you guys." Maddie said out of the blues.

"I'm so happy that you're okay Cerise." Raven said.

"Daring did dad really said that he was the reason why you got hit by a car." Dexter said.

"Yeah. All because of a stupid destiny. He could have got me kill with that stunt."

"At least two of your are safe now." Rosy said.

"Yeah. let's get back  and clean you two up." Raven said. Me and Daring look at our clothes and blush a bit. And all of head back to EAH.


I totally got lazy at the ending. Sorry for the wrong grammar

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