Chapter 17

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(Ian's POV)

After an hour running around my territory in my black wolf, I run back into my house and shift  into my human form and put on a baseball short that was place inside a basket full of shorts in the garage. I don't want to run inside stark naked, even though some of my pack members have seen me naked but there are still some senior citizen around and there are some ladies assigned for keeping my house clean.

The news about my declaration have spread out like air and now people are whispering about it. While I was running, I silently tap into my pack mind link and hear their conversations. Most of them are fine with it, with her, especially when she showed her fighting skills to them. But there are some of them that kind of doubt if she will be a great Luna since she can't talk.

Both Adrian and I almost snap through the mind link and have them punished but I pull myself out from the link before I could do so. They are right about that but she will be a great Luna to this pack, she will become a warrior queen to them and she will be the one and only mate for me, mute or not. She is perfect the way she is.

I run up to the third floor but stop when I smell Ica's and Ruby's scent in her bedroom. I almost barge in for being too curious but then I stop myself and went into my room. They're probably preparing her for the full moon feast tonight. I took a quick shower and wear a black fit t-shirt with black jean. After refreshing myself, I got out from my room and saw Ica and Ruby walk out from Selyen's room. Both were talking about something until they halt when they saw me.

Before I could say anything, Ica speak first and say, "Don't you dare go inside there right now." She glared at me. "Or I'll cast an invisible wall right at this corridor."

I look at the door. Somehow I felt guilty for getting mad at her before. "I want to apologize." I said, using it as an excuse to see her, to smell her and to win her heart.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Uh oh. You can apologize later. Now I won't move from this spot until you are out from this house." Veronica said and I glare at her. "You do know this is my house, right?"

"And I was the one who brought this and other houses here and everywhere so I do get the rights here." She smirks.

I grunt. "Fine." I said and went outside for the feast. My people have gathered around and on the altar. It's already twilight and they have ready all the foods and drinks. There's no need a speech to be say for this kind of night. We just gather around with families, friends and mates and just relax and enjoy this blessing night. Even the children are allow to be out in this night.

I went to the food table where they have placed them on a long table. Mrs. Clark saw me and smiles. "Good evening, Alpha."

I nod my head and eyed the foods before me. "Always smell good and new, Mrs. Clark. You always make us fall in love with you through your cooking." I said.

Mrs. Clark blushed. "Well since every one has their talents in combat, I guess I have to be good in keeping their energy full, sir." She giggle before she stop and look around. "If I may sir, is true that you found... your mate?"

I smiled. "Yes, it's true."

She hesitate for the second one. "And she is the mute female rogue that trained with you? No offense, sir." She added the last one quickly.

I smiled again as I took a slice of roasted beef and dip it with black pepper sauce. "None taken and yes, that's my mate."

Mrs. Clark smiled warmly. "Well congratulation, Alpha. I'm happy for you. I saw her at the canteen every breakfast and lunch and she's very beautiful and kind. And I don't think her disability is a problem to us. She can talk to us via mind link when she become our Luna, so yes, it's not a problem sir." She blushed when she realized that she just babbling.

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