Chapter 18

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I woke up and was greeted with some voices in my head and the half bright room. The curtains were not fully close but it feels like the sunlight shine too bright today. I squeeze my eyes close to adjust my sight and sit up on the bed. My head throb slightly and I mentally groan. Why do I heard voices in my head? Am I going crazy? What the hell happen last night?

I lift my hand to clutch my head when I realize I was wearing a black oversize sweater. It's so warm and smell like fresh forest in the morning mix  with male scent. It's definitely Ian's and I want to take it off but his scent is calming and mouthwatering and I couldn't help but to bringing up the sleeves to sniff it. Diane purred inside me at the scent of it and the throbbing in my head slightly numb away.

I look around and knew right away that this is not my room. This room was painted dark grey and fade white. It has more space and bookshelves at the corner.  A study table probably made of heavy woods, was placed beside it. The table was full with papers, maps and a laptop. How do he get the internet, I don't know. And why am I even here too?

I look at the king size bed, covered in dark blue satin mattress. It's goddamn comfortable and I never have this kind of bed back at home.

Like a bucket of cold water drop on me, I gasp at the thought. I should be escaping last night! I was supposed to run back to my pack and take back my pack. Goddess, why do I have to blackout so suddenly last night? I move to throw the warm cover from me but the small movement increase the throbbing in my brain.

A door click shut and my head snap up to see Ian standing by the door, wearing a black sweat pants that hung low his waist and a grey fit singlet that deliciously show off his abs and biceps. Something erupt inside me and I have this feeling to touch him so badly and taste those lips and his tans skin. Our eyes lock on each other before my head fill with voices again. I clutched my head again and snarl painfully. What the hell is happening to me?

Ian saw my pain and his expression change into worries as he quickly stand beside the bed to reach me. "Hey, hey. You okay?" His hand touch my wrist, pulling my hand from my face. I shiver when his hand touch mine. I mentally groan. Well no shit Sherlock. I think my head is going to explode with these voices in my head.

Ian flinched. "Selyen? Did you just...?" He begin with wide eyes. I stare at him in confused. What did I do?

He blinked and gasp. "I can hear you. I can hear your voice in my head."

I stare at him in disbelieve and frown, looking at the half open window. The sun is up and the talking potion has worn out before midnight. How can I still talking to him via telepathic? Maybe he has gone crazy too. 

"I'm not crazy." He said, irritated and I flinch. He answered what I just thought. Hesitantly, I look at Ian again and try. 'Hi?'

Ian give out a chuck and smile breathlessly. "Hi."

I widen my eyes. So it's true. I can talk to him via mind link. How can this possible? I touch my neck, searching if there might be a mate mark. Maybe he mark me when I was unconscious. Ian notice what I was doing. "You think I mark you without your permission?" He said, slightly irritate to cover his hurt.

'Then do explain how can I talk to you via minds?' I said. 'And why am I hearing voices? It's freaking hurt.'

Ian sat on the edge of the bed beside me and brought his hand up to cup my face softly. I both flinch and shiver as his warm hand brush my face. He wore a serious face with those blue ocean eyes as he inspect me like I was a fragile China vase. I couldn't seemed to look away from his handsome face that was a foot away from mine.

"You're pretty warm up." He said and deepen his worries as he wipe some sweat off my forehead. Then I heard him say, 'Get me Veronica now! without opening his mouth. Did I just hear his thoughts?

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