Chapter Four

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Adam's POV

Two weeks passed and were spent working on the new song Andy had been working on. The plan was to see what the crowds reaction was like today at The Isle of Wight festival. After weeks of rehearsals and working on the different arrangements and harmonies, we finally had a finished product, Standing in the Dark. Rehearsals were great, it sounded amazing and we couldn't wait to see what everyone else thought. Andy had moved in with us permanently a few weeks ago, and he seemed to be a lot perkier then he had been too. He still had a long way to go be we could almost see glints of the old Andy we new shine through at times. I was able to go to bed at normal time now as his sleep pattern was pretty much back to normal. He still had his low moments but what do you expect. It is a massive changed to go from being around and in contact with someone constantly for three years to then have nothing.

We pulled up outside the venue after a long car and ferry journey. The festival was already in full swing with Rudimental currently on the stage performing. We had at least two hours before we had to actually had to be backstage. We thought we'd take the opportunity to walk around the festival and see what it had to offer. There were a few rides and stalls selling flashing gadgets meant for when it gets dark. Well we were wondering around the grounds we bumped into none other than The Wanted guys. It had been a while since we had seen any of them as they had been touring America. But I knew that Andy and Max had been in contact over the break up. Max and Andy were best friends. They met when they were in a band together before me, Ryan and Joel ever met Andy. The band didn't last long.

We had a quick catch up with The Wanted and then headed over to the backstage area with them in tow. We were being shown to our dressing room when I felt Andy suddenly stop beside me. I looked up to see the one person he hadn't seen in months since their break up. The person that broke my best friend. Marley. I went to look at Andy to reassure him but he was gone.

Andy's POV

There she stood, as breathtaking as ever. Talking and laughing with Ella Henderson, as if nothing had happened. She'd forgotten about me, she was happy. I felt tears form in my eyes and turned round and walked in the opposite direction without anybody realising. I couldn't handle this now I wasn't ready. I knew she and Ella had always been quite close but I never thought I'd see her here, not backstage. I found the mens toilets, which were empty. I went to cubicle, slammed the door shut and locked it. I put the lid down on the toilet and sat on it. I was sat crying for about 10 minutes, when I heard someone calling my name. It was Max, I heard him come into the toilets. I could see his shadow as he peered underneath the cubicles. I managed to lift my feet up silently before he got to mine. When I thought he had given up I put them back down and waited for him to leave. All of a sudden my phone started going off. 'Come on Andy, I know that's you.' Max said. 'Come out and talk about it mate, please' he continued. Slowly I stood up and opened the cubicle. I looked into Max's eyes and saw complete worry. He engulfed me in a massive hug.

Minutes later Ryan came in and done the same. Ryan text Joel and Adam so they knew I was fine and had been found. They then took me out of the toilets and we found a bench. We sat down and the got me to talk about how I was feeling. There was a lot of crying from all sides, I think they just hated seeing me like this. Normally I was a happy, bubbly, optimistic person who was constantly telling jokes. I wasn't that person anymore. I had become depressing and pessimistic the complete opposite. They asked me about what I thought was helping me get through and I explained that song writing was always the things I did. It was my way of getting things off my chest. I told them I had been working on a new song, I had recorded my singing and playing but I couldn't ever get through it without crying so it wasn't great. They asked if they could hear it, I hesitated but I played it for them. It felt good to talk about how I had been feeling.

Ryan's POV

I took the earphone out of my ear and turned to Andy 'Andy, this song has to get recorded. It's is, just, Wow' I said almost speechless. Max had tears in his eyes, but nodded his head in agreement. 'I don't know Rhino, I haven't been able to get through the whole song yet. I don't want to waste John's time.' Andy replied. 'Andy, this song needs to be recorded. Take it to him tomorrow and just let him listen.' I encouraged. 'Brown, if you don't I will' I threaten. 'Fine' he finally gave in.

Max left to find the other 'Wanted' guys, while me and Andy went to go and find Joel and Adam. Unfortunately on our way we ended up passing Marley. 'Andy?' She said, giving him an awkward hug which he half-heartedly returned. 'Hi Marley' he replied. 'How have you been?' she asked. I couldn't help myself, how could she just go round acting as if nothing was wrong. She knew exactly how he felt, he told me he'd text a few times. Obviously he didn't get a reply but she knew. 'Great, no thanks to you.' I snapped. Andy looked at me 'Ryan it's okay I can answer for myself. I've been fine Marley. Anyway we are gonna be late on stage so I guess I'll see you around or not.' he said and carried on walking in the direction of our dressing room.

'I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything. But she made me angry pretending that nothing had happened.' I ranted. 'Rhino, it's okay' Andy replied. 'I'm proud of you mate, that must of taken a lot.' I told Andy. 'It did, but I couldn't do it without any of you guys.' he said thankfully. 'Come on, lets show them what we're made of' I said to Andy, Joel and Adam as we made our way to the stage.

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