Chapter 6

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Gershwarve Ranch, Catakus II, Eastmarch
Date: 09543046
Over the course of a couple days, all of Catakus II is in an uproar. People become restless, some due to the unease of a newer and more deadly threat than Grand Duchess Daria, others because of the anger that another force is attacking everyone. For me, it's the feeling of emptiness and loneliness and betrayal Jade makes me feel.

I boot up the holoboard, and await my challenge. On my side of the board, I have only my command ship, and a handful of DSTR-Class cruisers. My enemy, surprisingly, has the same amount of ships. I smirk. Easily, I could overpower the enemy, but in doing that I leave my command ship close to defenseless. They'd wipe out my ships, and I'd be dead. I'm not losing this.

"Enemy is taking position," a male automated voice says. "270, 000 kilometers, and holding. Orders?"

"Do not fire," I say, an order I have never said before. "Do we have fighters?"

"No, sir," the voice says. I curse silently. "Fire a warning shot. Let them know we're armed." Across the board, a shot from my command ship narrowly misses the hostile command ship. Then, the enemy fleet moves, the DSTR cruisers leading.

"All DSTR cruisers, keep them away from the command cruiser," I order, and watch as my DSTR's intercept the enemy. All that's left are the two command ships. "Prepare for attack. All hands on all available batteries, all cannons target that cruiser," I order, and smirk. "Let's blow this bitch to hell."

My heart pumps faster as the bows of the cruisers meet. Then, the enemy fires. "We're hit!" the voice says, panicked. "Orders?" I watch as the bow of my cruiser starts to become nothing more than scrap.
"Fire!" I yell, and the carnage ensues. As the crossfire continues, both ships are taking heavy damage.

I eye the bridge of the enemy. "All cannons, target that bridge," I order, and watch as the shots are laid down, and in one light show, the enemy is defeated.

I breathe a sigh of relief, and sit down. I didn't realize I was standing. I lay back, and about to turn off the hologram when a message appears.

Report to Barrack 57 immediately.
Reason: Classified

I don't hesitate. I grab my bag, and walk out of the house. I know where Barrack 57 is. A fifteen minute walk, around a couple blocks. No big deal. But why would they want me?

I open the door to Barrack 57, and my heart nearly jumps out through my mouth. The Emperor is here!

"I see you got my message," he says. "I have to say, you are a worthy opponent. You knew when and when not to fire, and you know exactly what to do. Have you been training at all?"
I can't answer. All I can do is shake my head. I played against the Emperor, and won? But, how? My mind racing, I block out what the Emperor is saying.

"... captain of the Royal Fleet?" the Emperor asks. Puzzled, I muster the courage to speak. "Yes, your Highness," I say, praying my voice wasn't shaky at all. The Emperor smiles. "We need more men like you in the military," he says as we walk out. "How do you feel, Captain Gershwarve?"

I don't mean to, but I gawk. I'm captain of the Royal Fleet?

Three years later
Above Utapua, Utapua System, Outer Rim of Eastmarch

In the conference room, three of my fellow commanding officers and I stare at the hologram. We're up against a simulated hostile blockade. It consists of five fleets, along with three massive command spheres, meant for detecting enemy ships. And it seems we just made ourselves noticed.

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